what happen? 2

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As soon as he left, you immediately sneak back to classroom. But suddenly you felt something grabbed your hand.

"Yaaaa!!!!!!!" You scream loudly.

"Oi. Stop it. I told you to didn't I? I knew you would sneak back." Jiyoung said angrily.

"Uuh.. I'm fine. Leave me alone." You said.

"Fine, you're okay anyway. Bye." Jiyoung said and left you.

"... J-jiyong.. Hajima...don't leave. I'm sorry" you whispered but Jiyong didn't hear it.

Back to your class. Bom went to your table and ask where have you been. But you kept quiet and shut yourself.

"______ what happen to you?" Bom ask.

"Ani... Hahaha.." You laugh while holding your tears.

"Unnie.. Tell me. Please don't shut yourself.." Bom said with tears in her eyes.

"Bom.. I just made someone who is very important to me angry. I can't forgive myself for my selfishness.." You said with broken smile.

"Don't blame yourself.. Btw, who is it? It's okay if you won't tell me.."

"..J-Jiyong. He's my childhood friend. I still confused whether I love him or not.." You whispered.

"Ehm.. Is he in class B? The one which made all the girls screaming earlier?"


"Neee... Don't be sad. Come on! I'll treat you ice cream after school finished" Bom said with her hand holding my face.


After the last period ends,you immediately ran toward Jiyong's class and find him. But when you peak, his talking to a girl. You saw Jiyong blush when the girl kissed his cheek.

"..I see" you turned back and walk briskly.

".._____" you heard someone called you name. You turn your back and immediately saw Jiyoung with a happy smile calling for you.

"What?" You spat.

"What?! I'm just calling you. Is that wrong? Cih!"

"Okay.. What happen? Why did you call me?

" I think... I'm falling in love!"

Shit. Your heart shattered into millions of pieces. Damn it. You felt like this world is against you. You completely lost to a girl who he just met today. You felt you knees shaking and you want to throw up.

"_____? Why did you look like your gonna faint?" Jiyong ask.

"......am I?I'm fine. Hey,I'm going back with my friend. Why don't you accompany the girl who just kissed your cheek?"

"Shit!" You whispered. (Why the hell I would say that. I look like a jealous bitch. My god. I prayed that he didn't heard me)

"Oh, so you found out?"

"Yeah. Congrats! She's pretty and seems like she's interested with you. I gotta go now. Bye!!!" You ran as fast as you can while holding your tears.

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