reassuring myself 11

594 20 0

Luhan POV


" shit. I'm so tired. I guess I'm not going to school today. I hope _____ will be alright." I searched for the alarm clock and shut it off. I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.


"Son, your back?" Mom asked me while chopping some onions.

"Yeah." I said with a cracked voice. Mom looked at me and horrified.

"God, what happened to you? Take a bath now before you ended up sick. Here, grab a towel and hot cocoa.."

"I'm going to take a bath now." I went up to my room and took a bath. After a long bath,i took out my phone and I started to chat with ______.

"Hi. Sorry to bother you.. I kinda miss you right now. You asleep yet?"

"Yeobo.. It's okay.. I miss you too" she replied.

"Have you eaten your supper yet?"


"Please eat.." I begged.

"I'm still full~(•∆•)~" she replied back.

"Well,then I'm going to starve myself too"

"Noo.. Don't. Okay okay,I'll eat. Hajima.."

I chuckled.

(She love me! She love me! I screamed inside my head and smiled like an idiot.)

"Good then~ I love you Jagiya. See this~" I gave her some of my faces.

"Yeobo.. You're so cute~"

"No~ I'm MANLY." I stated.

"Plus cute"

"You're the one who's cute" I replied.


"Not me. You~"


"You Jagiya~"

>>>fast forward>>>

We ended up laughing because I gave up. she's really hard headed.

"Jagiya,I'm tired. I'm going to sleep now~"

"Me too Yeobo,Good night."

***end of flashback ***

"Son.. There's someone looking for you." Mom shouted.

"Okayyy" I opened my eyes.


"Hyung!" Donghae shouted.

"Hyung-ah~" Lay smiled.

"Sup bro!" Xiumin winked.

"Ugh. What time is it?" I asked.

"12 o'clock. We skipped class to visit you. We also bring some food for you." They said.


"How are you? Feeling much better?" _____ asked.

"Yah,______. Why did you skipped the class?"

"Uhm.. Because.. I care my yeobo"

"Jagiya.. You don't have to.." I smiled.

They cheered and pushed ____ to hug me. I kissed her and everyone smiled.

"Yah Luhan~" ______ blushed.

"Mianhae Jagiya ~ your my medicine after all. I need you. Thanks for the food guys."

I ate all the food they bought. They smiled and played video games. I hugged ______ quietly.

"Yah... Don't.. Lay,Xiumin and Donghae is here~" she pushed.

"Hehehe... Saranghae~ Jagiya" I cheekily kissed her cheek.

Xiumin POV

"Bom.. I miss you. I wish you could forgive me.. I need you Bom. I'm sorry" I texted to Bom.

"Yah. Didn't I say already? No. Never. Please,don't hope for my forgiveness.." She replied.

"Luhan-ah,what should I do? I tried to ask for her forgiveness.." I asked Luhan.

"Oppa, is it Bom?" _____ asked.

"Yes." I told her.

"Ah.. Oppa,just let her be. She need time.."

"Yeah hyung. ______ is right." Luhan smiled.

"Bom.. I'm sorry.. I think it's better for me to go. I miss you,and will always love you. I'll remember our memories. Saranghae.." I texted her.

".... You're going?"

"Yeah.. I can't stay forever like this. I can't forgive myself for hurting you. I need to go. I'm glad that you entered my life. Please be happy. You deserve a better man. Bye." I replied.

"Ehm..Tomorrow, I'm going to America. I'll miss you guys so much. Please take care of Bom for me. I'm sorry for such sudden news." I smiled.

"Yah.. Hyung! WHY?!!" Donghae asked.

"HYUNG!!! What happened? Yah.. Please calm down. Please say that this is just a joke.." Lay cried.

"Oppa.. Hajima.." ______ cried in Luhan's arm.

"I'm sorry. But I can't stay. I need to go. Maybe,, we'll meet again someday. Bye guys. Take care." I hugged them one by one. Lay just stood there and cried.

"Lay.. Please don't be sad. I'll contact you." I smiled.

"Hyung.. Take care of yourself. I'll go to America to meet you" he hugged me. I left them and went back home.

GD with YOU~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ