Chapter Thirty-Two: Aunt Leila's Betrayal

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Aunt Leila blinked surprised as she opened the door to her apartment to find Marco there, she had no idea why he was coming to see her when he had what he wanted; she almost expected him to tell her that he had messed up. 

"Marco what can I do for you?" Aunt Leila asked allowing the footballer into her home, she closed the door behind him not wanting to attract any unwanted attention. 

Marco took a deep breath as he turned to look at the woman that seemed to have caused more trouble for Sansa than his fiancée needed; he wanted answers before he even said a word to her. 

"I had an interesting talk with Catherine last week," Marco explained, he had given himself a week to wrap his head around what he had found out; he had kept it from Sansa since he didn't want her to worry yet. 

Sansa was bound to be devastated when Marco told her what Aunt Leila had done, she had betrayed her in the worst possible way and destroyed her relationship with her parents who had been trying to protect her. 

"Oh," Aunt Leila said moving to sit down on the couch, she couldn't believe that her sister had spoken with Marco and she had hoped that the last few years would have put her off. 

Marco moved to sit down watching Aunt Leila, he wanted answers and he knew that she had some explaining to do if he wanted to get them for Sansa. 

"Why did you do it?" Marco asked softly, he couldn't wrap his head around the fact that Leila had turned Sansa against her parents with lies about how they had abandoned her; the letters that he had seen were enough to prove that Catherine loved her daughter and had been trying to protect her. 

"Why did you lie to Sansa about why she was living with you?" Marco pushed wanting answers, he wasn't going to just forget about this when Sansa deserved the truth about what had been happening.

Aunt Leila sighed and shook her head, she should have known that the truth would come out and she knew that it was maybe time for her to come clean about what she had done. 

"I can't have children... Sansa was always like a daughter to me," Aunt Leila whispered thinking about how broken her niece had been when she had come to live with her; she had wanted to help and she truly believed that she could do better than Sansa's parents had done. 

"When they sent her here... they acted so cold and stiff with her," Aunt Leila mumbled knowing that it didn't excuse what she had done, she knew that her brother-in-law had suffered from stress; he'd even been admitted into hospital from a heart attack from the nightmare that had been going on. 

"They were terrified someone wanted to kill her," Marco spat knowing that Catherine and Edward were a lot of things but they were never intentionally cruel; he could only imagine what they would have been going through with someone threatening Sansa. 

Aunt Leila just nodded her head, her actions had been unforgiveable but once she had started she had found it hard to stop; she sent back the letters that Catherine sent and even had her sister arrested so that she couldn't see her daughter. 

"I wanted to protect Sansa, that is all I have ever wanted," Aunt Leila whispered, she would never be able to fix the damage that she had caused and a part of her didn't want to; she wanted Sansa to herself even if she hadn't seen her niece in months. 

Marco stared at Aunt Leila, he didn't feel bad for her not when she had made things ten times worse for Sansa; she had needed her parents and she would never get that time back with them.

"I hid the fact that her mother was trying to speak to her, I hid the fact her father nearly died from a heart attack, she will never forgive me if she knew," Aunt Leila said knowing that she couldn't lose Sansa, she was the daughter that she had always wanted and she couldn't let that happen. 

Marco only stared at Aunt Leila, she was thinking only of herself and he couldn't believe that she thought that this would all go away; he couldn't just pretend that he didn't know what she had done. 

"Maybe we could just forget about this... for Sansa's sake," Aunt Leila suggested looking at Marco hopefully, she wanted nothing more than to keep things the way that they were; she liked being the only real family that Sansa and Finn had. 

Marco started at Aunt Leila for a moment, he felt sick that she wanted him to lie to Sansa; he got to his feet wanting to leave knowing that he couldn't stay here. 

Aunt Leila only watched as Marco walked out of her apartment and she prayed that he wouldn't tell Sansa; she would deny every word he said if he did tell her niece what she had done. 

Marco slammed the door behind him and tried to calm himself down, he needed to know what he was going to tell Sansa when he got home; he wasn't going to keep this from her like Aunt Leila wanted. 

Marco pulled the recorder from his pocket and stopped it, he could only hope that he was making the right decision by allowing Sansa to hear what Aunt Leila had done; she was going to be devastated. 

Marco was very aware that Aunt Leila would lie if he didn't have proof, he had been building up a case to present to Sansa and he knew it would hurt when he told her; he wanted to support her in any decision that she made. 

Marco walked away from Aunt Leila's apartment, he was done with the woman that thought she had some right to mess with his fiancée's life.


"Are you okay?" Marco asked stopping the tape and watching Sansa, he had told her everything that he had found out; he hated the look on her face and he wished that he could make this all go away. 

Sansa nodded her head as she sniffled, she couldn't believe that Leila had done this to her; she had thought that she could trust her and it appeared that she had been using her for some sick reason. 

"I'm sorry," Marco whispered wrapping his arms around Sansa, he comforted her softly knowing that she had every right to be upset; she at least now knew the truth and he hoped that in time she would be able to move forward. 

Sansa shook her head, Marco had nothing to apologise for and she knew that he was only looking out for her; she felt sick that she pushed her parents away like that and she'd had no idea her father had been in hospital. 

"They'll hate me," Sansa whispered wondering what her parents thought of her, she had been so horrible to them when it was all Leila's doing; she couldn't think of her mother's sister as her aunt right now after what she had done. 

Marco shook his head, he doubted her parents would ever hate her for something that wasn't her fault; she had been lied to by someone that she had trusted during the hardest part of her life. 

"They don't hate you... they miss you so much," Marco murmured knowing that he wasn't going to rush her into seeing her parents; they could wait a little while and he knew they would understand after this horrible shock. 

Sansa cuddled into Marco's arms, she honestly didn't know what she would have done without him; he was being so sweet and she knew he was an amazing father to Finn. 

Marco held Sansa close and whispered reassuring words to her, they would get past this and he hoped that things would settle soon.

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