The 'i'ncredible Gym

Start from the beginning

Jack looked her and then around, and back at her, "knew what?"

"How many times has he hit you?"

Jack considered looking through Cole's memories to actually count but what did an exact number really matter? "More times than I can count."

"Let me guess you're in here to bulk up to fight back, well I can only tell you that is the dumbest thing you could do." The once charming Violet had transformed into some spirit of wrath and had turned her ire onto him. "Just when I thought I had met a decent guy who- Grr" she growled under her breathe, "I already told him that I don't date guys who... I just got out of one of those relationships." Violet leaned on her elbows that were now planted on the desk and shaded her eyes with her hands as if to shield her from her own memories.

Jack looked at Mor'du who was lifting over by the boxing ring.

Does... does Mor'du have a thing for her? Cole asked.

"Has he asked you out?"

She nodded in confirmation, she sniffled and looked up at Jack, "I'm pretty sure he was going to ask me out today. He has asked me out before before but I always told him no, that's when you showed up and he stormed off." She sniffled again, straightened herself and tried to smile. "But I guess I have you to thank for saving me from that mess."

So Mor'du likes her? Cole mused.

That is when Jack had an idea, I think we can use this.

What do you mean?

Just think about it, Mor'du likes her, he is also a follower. He has never bullied anyone without being provoked.

I don't like where this going...

What if... we helped him get the girl?

Are you nuts! This is Mor'du! Do you know how many black eyes he has given me!

But how many times has he hit you without Hans' express permission.

... Cole didn't have to search his memory long to know that Jack had a point. That's only because he is a good lapdog!

Exactly, now what if we held his leash or at least a leash that is stronger than Hans'?

That's is ridiculous, there is no way he would choose you over Hans.

Probably not, but what if he had to choose his girl over Hans?

... I ... pfft that will never work... will it?

You'd be surprised what some guys will do for their girl. Jack flashed Cole the scene of his martyrdom and that shut Cole up right away. Will you trust me?

...Fine, but this only proves one thing.

And what is that?

That you really are nuts! Jack could feel the playfully sarcastic grin Cole gave him.

Jack turned his attention to the girl at the desk who was obviously in the thralls of absorbing the truth about Mor'du.

"You're really broken up about this aren't you?" Jack asked sympathetically.

"I'll be fine, it's not like we've been dating he's just... So sweet," She sniffed.

Both Cole and Jack were surprised to hear Mor'du described as 'sweet', but they would have to revisit that later. "Look I feel really bad about making you cry, but I think I can fix this." Jack said, his face was sincere.

"I don't think you can."

Jack held back a wicked grin, he had retained some of the skills for intrigue that Wintercrest had possessed and was about to employ a few. "Just hear me out, I have a proposition for you, well two actually. But first I need your cell number..."

** ** **

Jack emerged from the changing room dressed in a light blue spandex shirt and baggy blue basketball shorts. He ran his fingers through his hair, grateful for his haircut. Calmly, he surveyed the weight room, with his hand planted in his hair until he found the person he was looking for.

Jack walked forward to the bear of a man on a bench easily lifting as much a Jack weighed. Jack was calm, confident in his plan, Cole was not so easily persuaded to relax, and he had felt the full force of Mor'du's fists.

"Hey Mor'du," Jack said leaning against some of the nearby equipment.

"What do you want tar head?" Mor'du spat, it was obviously not loud enough for Violet to hear but there was enough venom in his voice to make up for that.

"I want to talk of course, you look like you've been here for a while I'd like you to teach me how to use some of this equipment."

"It looks like you've had your fair share of talking, this isn't a gossip house it's a gym." Mor'du didn't look at him as he continued to lift effortlessly as if his hatred was fueling him.

"Oh, you mean Violet? Ya, she is a babe, I wasn't there more than five minutes before she threw her phone number at me." Jack turned to wave at Violet, he caught her eye just in time. Red bathed her face as she waved back flirtatiously.

That did the trick, Mor'du put the weights on the rack and sat up on the bench to glare at him with a look that would melt steel. "She wouldn't do that, I know-"

"I know she doesn't date muscle headed bullies, as soon as I told her about our 'Relationship', she was practically throwing herself at me in desperate heat. I guess I am her type."

Mor'du's face reddened, not from exhaustion but from anger. He bolted to his feet and stood toe to toe with Jack trying to use his sheer size to intimidate the boy who looked too relaxed to be the same whiney kid he knew.

"What are you doing here Cole?"

Jack shrugged, completely unintimidated by Mor'du and his sweaty bulky pulsating grizzly form.

What are you doing, this was not part of the plan! Cole was not so unintimidated.

Of course it was, catch up buddy.

"I'm not doing anything at the moment, later tonight I might have a date with Violet," Jack continued to antagonize Mor'du. He could feel Cole inside him bracing for the ham fist to take him out in one swing... but it never came, and Jack knew it. Without someone telling him to, Mor'du wouldn't raise a hand against another person, especially with Violet watching. Jack was trying to prove a point, but what he wouldn't admit to Cole was that this was a much bigger gamble than he let on, but that just made things more exciting in his experience.

"Not if I take your phone." Mor'du was sure that he had him now, he could easily overwhelm Cole in the changing room and take his phone, and then Mor'du would have Violet's number, finally.

Jack smiled, Mor'du was finally playing his cards. He casually looked at his fingers as if examining something more important than the beast in front of him. "Oh, it's not on my phone," Jack bit at his fingernail as if trying to get a stray bit of nail. He then used his finger to then tap on the side of his head, "I got it memorized, and girls like it when you memorize things about them. I even came up with a charming ditty to help me remember it, she loved that."

"You still can't text her without your phone." Mor'du threw in his last card. It was like taking candy from a baby, a giant muscle heavy bear baby with a no opposable thumbs.

"I wasn't going to text her, I was going to call her, it's more..." Jack paused for dramatic effect and then stressed the next words, "intimate that way. Needless to say I can use any phone to call her if I have her number memorized." He looked back at Violet who shot him a sideways glance, she had been watching and had been caught, and she smiled shyly but quickly went back to whatever meaningless paperwork she had to distract her.

"What do you want?" Mor'du's growl was deep and feral.

Hook, line, and sinker.

Okay, I'll admit it, you are good. But it isn't over yet...

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