"Have I made myself clear?" Ashton asked and looked at the younger boy with raised eyebrows. Calum only bit his bottom lip and sobbed, making Ashton sigh out in anger before standing up from his chair and walked over to the smaller boy.

Ashton took a harsh grip on Calum's jaw and tilted his head up so the younger boy was looking at him with wide eyes. Ashton locked his jaw before pressing a thumb against Calum's chest that was filled with cuts, making the younger boy scream out in pain.

"Do you understand what I'm saying? Have I made myself clear?" Ashton growled again, making Calum nod his head frantically while he breathed quickly and sobbed out in pain.

"Good" Ashton mumbled out before releasing his grip on Calum and sat down on his own chair again. He slowly took up his gun again, checking so it was fully loaded before clicking the safety off, making sure it was ready to be fired.

"Okay then, let's talk" Ashton spoke and looked at Calum who had fear written in his eyes.

"I-I don't know what you want me to say-"

"You fucking told me you could 'explain' so I'm letting you do that now" Ashton said harshly, making Calum scrunch his face up at the loud booming voice.

"Okay, I-I know who you think I am and I know it looks bad but you have to believe me when I tell you that it's not how it looks! I swear to you just-"

"Do you know who Jets are?" Ashton asked sternly, shutting Calum up.

"I-I, no or-"

"Do you?" Ashton asked even more sternly and walked over to Calum grip his face harshly, making sure to push his thumb into Calum's throat violently hard.

Calum looked at Ashton with glossy eyes while whimpering at the pain and the difficulty to breathe. "Yes" Calum struggled to speak out, and when he did Ashton tightened his grip on the boy's throat even more.

"Do you know who Syndicates are?" Ashton asked again and gritted his teeth when Calum nodded, "And Kings?"

"Yes" Calum whispered out in between a sob. Ashton tighten his grip even more before forcefully pushing himself away.

"And I assume you know who Ryan and Drake are?" he said through gritted teeth as he turned his back to Calum.

"Yes, but-"

"And you were the one to shoot at me yesterday?"

"Yes," Calum breathed out but shook his head as Ashton turned around to face him again, "But you have to let me explain, it's not as it looks-"

Calum was cut off by Ashton punching him in his jaw, making his head turn to the side forcefully while he screamed out in the excruciating pain. He couldn't close nor move his mouth without pain exploding through the left side of his face.

Calum knew it was out of its place and he cried at the thought and the pain.

Ashton gritted his teeth and turned Calum's face back to grip his jaw and moved it back and forth, ignoring Calum's painful screams, before he got the jaw back in its socket.

Calum's chest was moving up and down quickly as he was breathing heavily. Tears were streaming down his cheeks as his eyes were red and his face was still dripping in blood.

"You're such a fucking motherfucker," Ashton seethed and looked into Calum's eyes with a burning glare, "It will be a pleasure to hand you back to your daddy in multiple fucking pieces"

"My father is in prison" Calum whispered out. He had almost no strength left in his body to speak any louder.

"No he's not. If he was, we wouldn't be doing this shit" Ashton said and locked his jaw.

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