Chapter 20

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~1 year later~

September 4, 2016

Ever since that day, Hayes and I spoke very little, but we never got back together. I woke up for 3 months straight crying. I still cry, but it's not as bad. I've also only ever talked to one other guy or some people call him Shawn Mendes. We did kissed. Yeah, we made out. But we never got any further. He could tell I wasn't over Hayes.

Today is Callie's birthday! Oh, Cam and Callie are great! The baby is so cute! It was born March 16, 2016. It looks exactly like Cam. A cute little girl name Bailey Lynne Dallas. I love her to death. I spoil her and she is just the cutest thing. I actually can't believe my big brother is a daddy.

So, right now, the boys (including Hayes, but I probably won't try to make a conversation with him) and I are at Cameron and Callie's house they bought after the baby was born. I ended up moving in with them and moving out the apartment that Belle, Nash, and Hayes took over. I'm in my room, playing with Bailey because it's kinda hard to be somewhere when your first love is down there.

"Bailey, I wish you could talk," I said, smiling at her. She just smiled at me, and bounced in her little bouncy chair, laughing.

"You are so cute." I heard a knock on my door and it was Shawn.

"Hey, why don't you come down there?"

"I don't know. It's kinda weird, you know."

"Yeah, I get it. You've gotten mature over the past year, you know."

I picked up Bailey from her bouncy chair. "Thanks," I said, giggling. I walked downstairs with Shawn.

Madison ran up to me and hugged me. After living with Cameron for a while and realizing how close I am with the Jacks, we discussed our differences and now, we are like best friends.

"There's my pretty girl," Cam said, taking Bailey from me.

Cam kissed the top of my head. He whispered in my ear, "Just try to be happy. Not for me, but for Callie."

I just smiled and nodded.

I saw Hayes out the corner of my eye, looking at me. I just walked to the backyard to get some fresh air.

I sat on one of the chairs and just looked around.

It was nice and peaceful until that door opened to reveal a Hayes Grier.

I just looked at the ground. It's kinda weird now. I'm a year older now and so is he, but I don't know if he's changed.

He pulled up a chair next to me.

"Can we talk?" He asked.

I lifted my head up. "Yeah sure."

"I'm really sorry. I can't stop thinking about what an ass I was-"

"Hayes, don't be sorry. It's okay. I kinda don't wanna talk about this," I said, cutting him off.

"No, we need to," he said, sitting in front of me. He tilted my head up. "Tatum, I cried for days, nights, months, I can't stop thinking about you. You were my best friend. My first love. I wish I wouldn't have fucked it up, but I did. It was a mistake. A mistake I would hope I wouldn't make again. A mistake I hope you can forgive. I hope you understand. I'm just really sorry. I hope you could give me a second chance."

I just looked at him and started to tear up. "Please Tatum," he said. I slightly nodded. He pulled me closer, wiped my tears, and gave me a hug. "Thank you," he whispered into my ear. I started to cry, but not hard crying.

We let go and stood up. I looked up at him. I stood on his feet and on my tiptoes to kiss him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we kissed longer.

"I love you, Hayes. I missed you too."

"I will always love you, Tatum. No matter what happens."


i told y'all they would be back.!


i can't wait til cameron is really a dad. he will be a good one.

so hope everyone is greaaaat!

bye loves. :) -kayla

Sister DallasDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora