Chapter 18

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August 14, 2015

When I woke up all of 5SOS was gone and Hayes was on the couch.

"Where are they?"

"In the hall. I need to talk to you."

"No. Why are they in the hall?"

"They are about to go back to where they normally stay to work on their music."

"I need to tell them bye. Hold on."

I ran outside and Luke saw me. I ran to
him and he picked me up.

"I'm gonna miss you, Tay. But call me whenever. No matter the time."

I started to cry into his shoulder," I will miss you, Luke."

"I will miss you, T." He put me down and I hugged Michael.

"I knew you gave the best hugs," I told him. He looked at me and wiped my tears.

"You are so short," He laughed. "I'm gonna miss you, Tatum."

I went to Calum next. He picked me up and twisted me around. "I will miss you so much, Cal."

"Same here, T." He started to tear up.

"Awe don't cry, Cal."

"You were so sweet to us. Call if you ever wanna visit when we are in Australia."

I went to Ashton. "I'm gonna miss you so so so much, Tay! I want you to have these," he said, handing me his drumsticks.

"Awe, thank you Ash! I will miss you too!!"

We had a group hug and then they left. I never knew I would become friends with 5 Seconds of Summer.

I walked back in my apartment.

"I'm sorry for being such an ass," Hayes said.

"Hayes, I should have never kissed Luke. But just know it wasn't the same as kissing you."

"Tatum, I don't wanna lose you."

"And you won't. I will always be here."

"I love you."

"I love you too, Hayes."

"I love you more," he walked over to me and kiss me.

I kissed him back.


After we kissed for maybe 4 minutes, we decided to get ready and go eat breakfast at IHOP.

We ordered the unlimited pancakes.

We left there and just walked around town.


It was around noon time and we went to McDonalds for lunch because why not.

I ordered chicken nuggets with a sweet tea and Hayes got the same but he also ordered a sundae because he is fat. (jk)

We went back to the apartment and put on some music.


Hayes and I started laughing.

We listened to the music like normal people but then my song came on.

"SHE A GOOD GIRL BUT YA KNOW SHE BAD THO!" We both yelled laughing.

"I never knew Cam would have a song on iTunes," I laughed.


"Like and its actually good too." I laughed.

She Bad ended and we turned off the music and watched tv.

We were searching through the channels and I saw the new Disney movie Descendants was on. (this movie is the shit like im in love. call me crazy if you want lol)

"Skylynn said this is like her new favorite movie," I told Hayes.

"How do you know?"

"She facetimed me the other day."


"You were sleeping."


We watched the movie and it was on the song were the prince Ben was singing to Mal. (im singing this song rn okay)


It was almost 5 when the movie ended so I decided to make dinner.

"How do you know how to do so much stuff?"


"Whatcha making?"

"Um alfredo."

"Yes. I love that."


After an 1 of cooking everything it was ready and we sat and watched tv as we ate.

It was close to 8 and Callie and Camerom walked through.

"What's up?"  I asked them, surprise.

Callie was like almost 3 months into her pregnancy. (sorry if im wrong but o well let's pretend)

"Do y'all have any pain medicine?"

"Maybe in the cabient all the way on right and the bottom. Why?" Hayes said.

"My head hurts," Cam said.

"Y'all don't have advil?" I asked.

"No. Can we take the one y'all have open already?" Cam asked.

"Yeah sure whatever."

"Bye." They said, leaving.

"That was wierd," I said, picking up Hayes and I's plates.

"Yeah," Hayes laughed.

"I'm tired."

"Already?" He asked.

"Yeah. Peace."

We went upstairs, plopped on the bed, and fell asleep.


ok ik this sucked ass but i have no plans so next chapter im skipping into the future a little.

ok so hey and tayes is back :)

guys im tired and i start school monday so i won't be updating at much but i will try to asap

ily guys -- kayla :)

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