Chapter 12

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Sunday, July 19, 2015

I woke up and saw people were tagging in post on Twitter.

@.randomuser: "carter: 'maggie sucked hayes dick 2 times'

What the fuck?

I put on a t-shirt and some better looking shorts, brushed my hair, and teeth. I walked downstairs, grabbed a piece of paper and pen, and wrote: "I have no idea what's going on. but Hayes check your fucking self and Twitter or will we have a disagreement like when you "dated" Madison. I will be in downtown l.a if someone needs me. I really only need my brother right now. -tatum"

On that note, I grabbed my backpack and an apple and went to downtown L.A. to do who knows what.


I was down there and ran into Jack Johnson.

"Hey, Tatum. What are you doing by yourself? Are you crying?"

"Yes and yeah I was."

"Awe T, don't cry. Is it that stuff with Carter, Maggie, and Hayes?"

"Yeah." I sniffed.

"Come here," he pulled me into a hug.

I just cried into his chest.

"Jack, why? Out of all the people. Why Hayes?"

"Carter seems pissy lately. Just let him. It could be a lie."

"I hope."

"You really love Hayes, huh?"

"Yeah, I really do. He's my better half. He brings out the best in me."

"Man, I want a girlfriend."

"I'm surprised you don't have one."

"Awe, TayBug. I love you."


It was around 4. I was still with Johnson and we went get lunch and I went back to the apartment to get some of my things. Hayes was still sleeping. Clearly if I don't wake him, he sleeps forever.

We went back to their apartment and hung out with Jack and Madison which I wasn't that mean today.


It was almost 8 and I was pretty tired. Hayes and Cameron both texted me. I explained everything to Cam and ignored Hayes. Cam just told me to stay with Johnson until everything calms down.

I took me a shower and got ready for bed. I hated Twitter and Instagram at the moment so I went to Johnson's room.

"Hey, TayBug. "

"Hey, Jack Jack Johnson," I laughed.

"Don't make fun of my username."

"I'll change mine to TatumTatumDallas."

"But I like TatumDallas."

We laughed.

Johnson made some room for me in his bed. "Can I borrow a shirt, Jack?"

"Yeah sure."

I grab a random long sleeved shirt.

I laid next to Johnson and he cuddled me up. Then, I slowly fell asleep.


don't worry tayes will be alive soon. johnson is just keeping her at ease.

so hope you enjoyed.

carter needs to freaking chill and not bring up their fucking names or i will cut a bitch.

like whyyyyy would you say that???!!?!!?!!!!

buttt imma go to bed now so goodnight, goodmorning, whatever.. :)))) love y'all--kayla yo :))

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