"Lou! Calm down! I already knew you would not keep your suit clean, so I bought an extra one!" He exclaimed. He rushed to the wardrobe and opened it. He took a suit that was identical to mine, and my eyes lit up.

"Thank you, bro! I'm sorry for yelling at you! I'm just stressed!" I exclaimed.

"It's okay, Louis. I will get stressed at the day of my wedding, too." He said. Harry stopped running and hugged Chris.

"You saved our lives! Thank you so much!" He exclaimed.

"You are welcome." Chris said.

"Wait, did you say your wedding?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Yeah.. I did." He said blushing.

"Are you going to propose Charlie?" I asked.

"Not yet. But pretty soon I will." He said.

"How cute!!" Harry exclaimed patting him on the back.

"You are going to have little Christophers and Charlottes together!" I exclaimed happily.

"Just shut up and get changed!" Chris exclaimed. I smiled and took the new suit. Chris saved my butt, one more time.


Rachel's P.O.V

"Are you ready?" Charlie asked as she placed the veil over my head. I nodded and took my bouquet. I could see tears streaming down her face.

"Why are you crying?" I asked. She wiped the tears out and smiled.

"Because today your dreams will finally become true." She said. Bethany entered the room hurriedly and smiled.

"It's time." She said smiling. I nodded and took a deep breath. Louis was waiting for me at the altar. In just a few minutes I would be next to him and we would turn into wife and husband.

I took one last glance at the mirror and smirked. I could not believe it was actually happening. I was going to get married with the guy of my dreams. We took almost a year to plan the wedding, and we were finally going to get officially united.

There were not that many guests. We decided to invite Niall, Zayn, Lou's family, Harry's family, Chris's family, and Charlie's family. I had no family left. But that was okay because now I would have a fabolous husband.

I took a deep breath one more time and smiled.

"Let's go." I finally said. Charlie nodded and Bethany opened the door of the room.


Lou's P.O.V

I was at the altar, waiting for my beautiful fiancè. I took a deep breath and turned to see the ground nervously. The guests were already there. My mum was with my sisters sitting on the front row, and she was crying.

She told me she was proud of me, and once she met Rachel, she said she was wonderful. She was extremely happy, and I did not blame her. Rachel was marvelous, and she was the woman of my dreams.

I heard everyone started to gasp in surprise, so I turned to see the church's entrance. My eyes widened as I saw Rachel. She looked extremely beautiful, and there was a huge smile on her face.

"She's beautiful." One of the guests muttered.

"She looks gorgeous!" My mum exclaimed. I smirked as she started to walk in my direction.

My Bodyguards (Action/Love Story) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now