CHAPTER 1: Where we begin...

Start from the beginning

"Do you want to be locked up in the basement again?" She threatened. I sighed and just dropped the broom and headed to get a glass of water and gave it to her.

It was a horror living with them. Ever since I lived here, my life became a mess, every time there's no school, I'm like a maid, that was being ordered by stuff. Its like, they haven't remembered I'm still a part of their family.

After I was done cleaning, I went backyard, to father up the vegetables that were ripe for picking.

I'm like a modern day Cinderella, serving for your own family that never even treated you as one.

"Hoo! Hoo!" I heard a sound. I look up to see an owl by the rooftop, looking down at me with big wide eyes. It was holding something on its claws, it was a black envelope that had a red seal.

An owl? With a letter? Is there even such a thing?

I stand up, as I whistled for it to come closer. "Come here." I said softly and in a friendly way, trying not to scare it.

The owl flapped it wings, landing on my arm as it dropped the black envelope. I pick it up and examined the seal. It was formed into a dragon.

I look at the owl, as it lowered its head and flew away.

I was about to call it but another loud call came from inside. "ASTRID! GO GET THE DIRTY CLOTHES UPSTAIRS AND WASH THEM!"


I lay on my bed, feeling how tired my body was. I took the envelope from my pocket and examined it.

I wonder why the owl took this here? And what was it for?

Before I can figure the answer, my eye lids went closed and I fell asleep because of exhaustion.


I woke up the next day, hearing footsteps pattering on the floor. I open my eyes and saw Kelly, looking at the black envelope the owl gave me yesterday.

"Kelly!" I snapped, standing up from my bed with an angry expression. She look at me with a teasing grin. "What is this cousin?" She asked, raising the envelope.

"Give it back to me Kelly." I ordered. Kelly stick her tongue out at me. "What if I don't want to?" She asked.

I didn't reply, feeling my blood boils on how mad I was on her invasion of privacy.

"Give. Me. Back. My. Letter." I said in gritted teeth. She giggled and ran out of my room still with the envelope.

"Kelly!" I yelled and chased after her.

"Mom! Mom! Astrid had a letter!" Kelly called like a kid. Aunt Mira appeared from the door and Kelly gave the black envelope to her.

"What's this?" Aunt Mira then tore it open and revealed a black paper and read what it says.

Block 25 Phase 2
Hooligan Village
City of Berk

Astrid Twilight Wilhelm Hofferson,

               We'd be delighted to invite you to enroll at Celestine Academy, for you to release the potential as a Celestial and to knowledge your will of becoming am official student and citizen of Castrallia, students and teachers like you will be waiting for your arrival on May 26th at Velvet Train Station.

Yours truly,
Head Mistress Caroline.

When aunt Mira read that letter, a slight smile stretched on my lips. No one has ever invited me to enroll to a school, I'm not that smart to be a scholar or whatsoever, but this is good news, I get to be away from this place of hell, I'll be free!

"Aunt Mira, ca-

My sentence was cut off when aunt Mira tore the letter apart.

I gasped in terror, seeing my only chance of getting away from thid life of hell was torn apart.

"Your not allowed to go and your staying here." Said aunt Mira and headed to the kitchen, Kelly mocking me as she claimed the stairs to her room.

A tear fell off my eyes as I gather the torn pieces together and tried putting them together, but it was no use, they're torn to bits.

I have no choice but to throw it away and went to the backyard, crying quietly, my tears falling on the ground, and I was surprised when something just happened.

A tear fall off my eye and landed on the ground and the solid ground of the earth became a solid patch of ice.

"Ah!" I screamed in horror as the ice scattered together with the other tears that had fallen that turned into ice.

"What is happening?" I aso myself in shock.

"This is who you are Astrid..." A voice whispered from nowhere. I turn around and just saw an owl with big round intelligent eyes.

Dragons: Celestine Academy(httyd/hiccstrid)Where stories live. Discover now