How to Survive BloodClan

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Bone: Hello, people who are reading this. Oh, I come in peace, by the way. I shall tell you tips on how to survive BloodClan, but if Scourge finds out I told you. . . THROW VOLDEMORT AT HIM! GET HARRY POTTER TO SAVE YOU! Oh, sorry you have to hear me talk. I advise you do not listen to me, but then..

1. If Scourge sees you, do not scream or shout, and-- sorry! Just give Scourge a chicken, okay?

2. PARTY IN THE HOUSE! WHOOP! Yeah, just throw a random party to distract BloodClan. I heard they love parties that include only BloodClan.

3. When you see Ice, Snake or Brick, get into a broccoli costume because they will think you're just a tree.

4. If you made it this far, I respect you. :) Anyway, start singing and BloodClan will flee like chickens.

5. THE CHICKEN SONG!!! *Dances to it*

6. I forgot. :S

Goodbye, now. I gave you some tips on how to save BloodClan. Run free, people! May the potatoes be with you and light your path! :D

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