The Surprise

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*3 Months Later*

Lucy P.O.V.

I woke up to make breakfast for Natsu and Happy. As soon as I got the ingredients ready I felt a warm liquid run down my legs. That's when I felt in an intense pain om my abdomen. I screamed in pain and my eyes started to water. Natsu rushed in. "Luce are you alright?!" He exclaimed in worry. He looked down at me. "Did you pee yourself?" He said on the verge of laughter. "No you Baka! I'm having the baby!" "Oh....Oh!" He said as realization washed over him. He carried me bridal style suddenly serious to the guild. "Happy meet us at the guild." He said.  He rushed out the door and ran all the way to the guild. He was careful not to be too rough for my sake. He opened the door to the guild. "Lucy's going into labor." Natsu said surprisingly calm. He carried me to he infirmary and placed me down. Porlyusica, Wendy, and Mira all came inside. With a lot of persuading and Mirajane's satan soul they finally got Natsu out of the room.

Natsu P.O.V.

They kicked me out and made me wait outside. I don't even know why. I angrily sat in a chair and waited...and waited.....and waited. That's when I heard the screams. It was Luce. She sounded like she was in extreme pain. I nearly broke down the door trying to see her. If it wasn't for the guild holding me down I would have set the guild on fire. I calmed down for a bit but the screams were just amplified with my dragon hearing. I really just want to see my wife. I tried to bust in again and halfway through my rampage the screaming stopped. Mirajane came out and said,"You can come see her now." I walked into the infirmary with so much feelings. I felt excited and worried and anxious. I walked in to see Lucy holding a baby with a tuft of pink hair on its head. "Natsu, meet your daughter Nashi." Lucy said with a smile. I smiled the biggest smile I had. There were no words to describe my happiness. "Oi Natsu-san your son is so cute." Wendy said. Wait a second...son? I turned around to see Mira holding a baby with a tuft of blonde hair. "L-Lucy you had t-twins?" I said confused. Lucy opened her mouth to talk but before she could said anything Porlyusica came in,"Actually she had triplets." she said while holding another blonde baby. Lucy began to speak,"Meet your other son and daughter Ryuu and Layla." I just stood here unable to comprehend my happiness. "This is great Luce! More than great. Now were a bigger and better family than before. The world better look out for the Dragneels!" I said standing on a table looking very patriotic if I do say so myself and I do. Lucy rolled her eyes and sweatdropped probably thinking about how awesome we are and will be.

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