Knight in Flaming Armor

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OMG!! 1000 views! Yaayyy! -Azhani


Lucy P.O.V.

I was walking in my favorite spot in the garden. I just loved to smell the flowers and write more in my book. It was so peaceful. I was just finishing my story when some mist surrounded me. It was very peculiar and I soon started to feel drowsy. Oh No! It's a sleeping spell! As I fell deeper into the dark slumber I only thought one thing:  Natsu! Help!

Natsu P.O.V.

I was eating when I heard a thump outside. I was worried for Lucy so I decided to go check up on her. I was in the garden when I saw some guys in dark cloaks taking Lucy away. "Yo! what do you guys think you're doing with MY Lucy." I yelled. The one with dark slicked back hair and a tattoo on his face in the shape of several triangles  began to speak, "This Heartfilia girl is worth a fortune. I mean just look at the castle that was use for a prison! She's coming with us!" "I suggest you hand her over unless you want to get your asses kicked. I haven't had a good fight in a while." I said with a smirk. The tattoo guy...I think he's the leader...began to laugh, "Yeah right kid, you may not know this but I'm a wizard so are my buddies here." The other guys smirked. The leader throw some green fire balls at me. I dodged them and they landed on some bushes. The bushes burst into green flames. I instantly gobbled them up. I looked at the other guys to see that their smirks were gone. They must have thought that those awful fire balls had actually hurt me. "Aw man! Those must have been the nastiest fire balls I have ever eaten! You should work on making your fire magic more appetizing. I should probably be thanking you for the fuel though. Now your beating is gonna hurt twice as bad."They looked at me with astonishment. "Fire dragon's Iron Fist!" I yelled as I flung my flame engulfed fist at the leader. As soon as I hit him he was out cold. Or at least I think he was. When I hit him he flew to who knows where. I looked at his "buddies". They seemed like they were going to pee their pants any second. "Fire dragon's Roar!" I said as Flames came spurting out my mouth. It was a direct hit. I may have overdone it just a little bit. I looked around to see everything was burnt and the castle was in ruins. Oh boy. Luce is gonna kill me. Speaking of Luce where is she? And Happy? "Natsu!" I looked up to see Happy flying towards me with Lucy. "Happy! Hey you got Luce!" I said relieved that nobody was hurt...well almost nobody. "Natsu she's soooo heavy!" Happy complained. Happy placed her down on the ground. I then proceeded to carry her bridal style. That's when she woke up. 

Lucy P.O.V.

"Huh? Where am I? What's going on?" I asked utterly confused. I looked up to see a man holding me. He had spiky pink hair."Hey Luce." "Natsu?" That's when what had just happened came back to me. Well everything up to the part where I got knocked out by a sleeping spell. "Natsu. What Happened?" "Some creeps tried to take you away from me, so I showed them that no one is allowed to have my Luce but me." When he said that he seemed to have some hatred in his eyes. Wait a second. His Luce? I just shrugged it off thinking of a better question. "Where are we going?" I saw him stiffen up for a second before he said, "Well I sort of burnt the castle so I thought we go to my house." His house?...The castle's burnt?!  I was shocked but the shock then turned into realization then humor. I started to giggle. "Why you laughin Luce?" "Because Natsu I was thinking about how all my life I wanted to be saved by a prince and live happily ever after away from the castle and the dragon that tormented me for so long. Never in a billion years would I have thought that that same dragon would be saving me and taking me away from that dreaded castle. I guess in short what I'm trying to say is: Thank you Natsu and I-I love you." He stared at me in shock for a little bit. Then he gave me the biggest grin I'd ever seen. "Luce I've loved you longer than you'd ever know." He slowly leaned in. I leaned in as well and closed my eyes slowly. Before long our lips had made contact and we were kissing. Our moment was cut short by an annoying blue cat."You're in looooooooove." Happy sang. "You got that right little buddy!" Natsu said.*sigh* Idiots. I can't believe it I'm in love with a dragon.


I just want to say thank you to all my weird,abnormal, and fabulous fans for getting me this far. You are THE BEST and I don't care what anyone says. -Azhani

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