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More updating!- Azhani


Lucy P.O.V.

I woke up to Natsu sleeping next to me. Even though I kind of liked it I stilled yelled at him. "Natsu I thought I told you not to sleep with me!" "You looked cold last night so I decided to warm you up. Anyway what's the big deal Luce I thought we were in love. Don't cha love me Luce?" He asked me with those huge eyes that I seem to always get lost in. I wasn't going down that easy. "Natsu stay out of my bed!" "But Lushee you're bed is soooooo soft and I like sleeping with you. Please I'll do anything." His eyes somehow got bigger and blacker. Dammit he wins. "Ugh fine you can sleep with me just don't burn my covers." He smiled his famous toothy grin. "You got it Luce!" He ran to go get Happy and go fishing.
Nastu P.O.V.

I was walking with Happy to our favorite lake while he talked constantly talked about all the fish he was going to eat. After a little while we finally got to the lake and through our fishing rod in. "Do you think Lushee wants a fish?" Happy asked me. "I don't know but let's bring her one anyway!" I responded. "Aye Sir!". Oh Lucy, she''ll never know how much I love her. I'm still troubled though. I'm going to have to tell Lucy the second part of the curse. If I don't "mate" with her I'll die. I only have a week left to tell her. Even though she loves me I don't if she's ready to give something like that up. "Natsuuu!! I caught one!" Happy knocked me out my thoughts( Lol Natsu thinking as if). "That's great bud! Let's go back now. Lucy is probably waiting for us." "Aye!"
What did you think of my first Natsu P.O.V.? Anyway I'm thinking about making the next chapter a lemon.Tell me what you think. Thats all. Bye-Azhani

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