Baby shower!

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5 months later(I know long time skip right)

Lucy P.O.V.

I got out of bed kind of slowly. It's been really hard to move and get used to my body. I went to the mirror and looked at my swollen belly. Just a couple months to go. "Then You, Natsu and I will be a family. How's that sound?" I giggled. Look at me talking to my own belly. Never thought I'd be here. "Luuce let's go out for today." Natsu said still a little in his dream state. "What?" I asked a little bewildered. "Come on. Let's go for a walk in the park or something...Like a date." He said with a smirk slowly spreading across his face. "But only if your up for it being all fat and all." An angry mark formed on my head. "BAKA!!" I yelled as I smacked Natsu across the face. "But yeah a date sounds nice." I said calmly. "Great!" He said as he rubbed his sore cheek. I put on a nice green sundress it was flowy and long. Then we proceeded to go to the park where the sakura trees are.  We walked on a path enjoying the scenery. It was amazing. "Natsu I'm hungry. Let's go eat!" I dragged him to the nearest cafe'. We ordered EVERYTHING on the menu and ate to our heart's desire.

Natsu P.O.V.

After we ate I was at a blank on what should we do next. Mira told me to keep her out for the day until she got the surprise ready. Is it time to bring her yet? Should we just go? Should I keep her out more? Dammit! What should I do? Forget it. I'll just bring her. "Luce let's go to the guild." I said. "Natsu my feet hurt." I can't stand to see her hurt. "I'll carry you. I don't want you walking if your uncomfortable besides I'm always fired up for a chance to test my strength." I said. She climbed on my back and I started walking to Fairytail. I would have ran if it weren't for her condition. When we got there it was really dark. Oh Shit! Did I come too early?!

Mira P.O.V.

We just finished putting up decorations and turned off the lights when Natsu and Lucy walked in. "Surprise!" we yelled as Lisanna turned on the lights.

Lucy P.O.V.

Everyone was screaming when the lights turned on. I looked up to see a baby shower sign. I felt so happy and excited at the same time. All of a sudden the lights turned off and there was a spotlight on Mira. "Hi everyone! I'm your host Mira! Today is Lucy's baby shower!!!" She said as applause erupted.  "So to celebrate we will do an assortment of games and have a cake made by ours truly with a little help from Erza." She said with a giggle at the end. "So to start we'll play pin the bib on the baby!" Suddenly there was a blind fold over my eyes and a paper bib in my hands. Somebody spun me around. Judging by the softness of the hands I'm guessing it was Mira...and I'm a pretty good guesser. I began to wobble unintentionally. I slipped and fell and I pinned the bib somewhere. I lifted up to see the bib on.....GRAY'S BUTT!!! I felt embarrassed as Natsu came out of nowhere and started dying of laughter. "AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! ICE LIPS GOT A BIB ON HIS FROZEN ASS!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!!" said Natsu while he rolled on the floor. "You got a problem lava head!" said gray as he got into ice make position. CLING! Erza grabbed them by the hair and slammed their heads together. "Listen yo insolent fools! This is Lucy's day. If you do anything more to ruin it count on the loss of your lives especially you Natsu. Let's move on to the next game Mira." said Erza with a dark aura. "Yes ma'am!" said Natsu and Gray solemnly while Mira's response was more cheery as usual. "Okay everyone the next game will be guess the baby food flavor. Who wants to go first?" "I'm all fired up!!!" A familiar voice said. Natsu ran up to the table with the baby food on it. I think he just wanted to eat. He was blindfolded and given a spoon for tasting. He tried the first one. "Apples and bananas." He said quickly. He tried the next one. "Turkey and peas." He also said quickly. One after he another he nailed each and every flavor there was. After a while I began to wonder how he was doing it. "Congratulations Natsu! You guessed every flavor right. For your prize you get fire!" She gave him a torch and he ate it. I pulled hi aside and asked him ow he did that. "Simple Luce, I have a great tongue and nose." He said smirking and pointing at his nose. I smacked him across the head. " Hey that's cheating Baka!!" I yelled at him. "Attention everyone for our next and final game we'll play is drink up. Who ever finishes the bottle filled with juice wins! Everyone will participate." Everyone got there bottles and started to drink. Of course the guys made it a competition. To everyone's surprise I finished first. What can I say? I was thirsty! Everyone cheered for me. We finally had the cake. It was so delicious and had plenty of strawberries courtesy of Erza. This was so fun!!


*Time Skip*

Natsu and I were in our bed. A sudden pang of guilt hit me. "Natsu I'm sorry I hit you today I feel bad...I-I...I'M SO SORRY!!!" I said beginning to sob. Natsu turned around and looked me in my eyes. He placed his hands on my cheeks and wiped my tears. "That's alright Luce. I sorta deserved it." He said shyly while rubbing the back of his neck. "It's just.....I LOVE YOU NATSU!!!!!!!!" I shouted tackling him. Natsu sweat dropped. 

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