The Quest

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I still feel bad for not updating so here's another one.-Azhani


Natsu P.O.V.

Today was the day! Today was the day I was finally going to find the perfect wedding ring for Luce. I got up out of Luce and I's bed and started getting dressed. I was careful not to wake my future fiance. I left a note on the table and was out the door. I started heading to the guild to get an alibi for where I was. Once I was at the guild I looked for Mira. I found her and asked a favor,"Mira when Luce comes here can you tell her I went on a job. I want to go look for for her, but she can't know about it's a surprise." I explained. "Sure Natsu. No problem." She said. I ran outside into the first jewelry store I saw.


Lucy P.O.V.

I woke up really chilly. I looked around for my pink haired mate and couldn't find him. "Natsu. Natsu!" I called through the house. "Uhh...Do you have to be so loud Lushee. I was dreaming about fish." Happy said sleepily still partly in dreamland. "I was looking for Natsu. Have you seen him?" I said a little worried. "No. Where's Natsu?" Happy said with tears in his eyes. I looked on the table and saw a note left from Natsu. "Happy calm down he's at the guild. Let's go." We headed to the guild and didn't see a sign of Natsu. I went to ask Mira if she had seen him. "Hey Mira! Have you seen Natsu?" I inquired. "Oh yea! He went on a job." She sang. "Do you know where?" I saw her stiffen very slightly. If I wasn't paying attention I may have missed it. "I didn't really look at the request, but I'm sure he'll be back soon." "O-Okay. Thanks Mira." I said unsure of myself. Where is he?



Natsu P.O.V.

This is so hard. It's been hours and I still haven't been able to find a ring for Luce. There have been plenty of rings but none of them have been perfect for my Luce.. When am I going to find I going to find the right ring.  I was about to give up when I found a little jewelry shop in the middle of Magnolia. I went inside and instantly saw the perfect ring. It was a gold band with the heart in the middle made of glistening diamonds. It reminded me of Luce. I almost left the store with it. "Yo! how much is this ring?" "That'll be 100,000 thousand jewel." A lady said. I paid her the money and got flames carved in the side. Luce'll love this!  I happily thought.

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