The Wedding

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Lucy P.O.V.

I woke up and rushed out the house. There was a lot of preparation to do before the wedding. I went straight to Fairyhills where the girls should be getting ready. I walked in to see a bunch of girls doing there make up and hair. "Ohayo! Lu-chan you're finally here. Let me do your hair." Levy said. She sat me down and straightened my hair. I did my own makeup and put on my wedding dress. The makeup was very natural looking with just a hunt of blush. I looked at my self in the mirror and almost cried. I held it in because I didn't want to ruin my makeup. After everyone was ready we headed to the guild. 

Natsu P.O.V.

I was really nervous. I couldn't even tie this stupid tie. I hate ties. I finally got it. As soon as I finished that the groomsmen and I made our way to the guild. When we got to the guild it was extremely decorated courtesy of Mira. I stood at the altar trying to not show my anxiety. Soon the groomsmen and the brides maids came down the aisle.The bridesmaids were wearing coral dresses holding yellow rose bouquets. Th groomsmen were wearing gray suits with coral ties and handkerchiefs. They also had yellow roses pinned on their suit. I stood there for what felt like forever. Finally Asuka came out throwing rose petals for Lucy. I couldn't take my eyes off Lucy while she walked with Gramps to the altar. I couldn't wait.

Lucy P.O.V. 

I couldn't stop staring at his wonderful eyes. We got so lost in each we didn't realize when the priest asked the question. "... as long as you both shall live?" "I do." "And do you Natsu Dragneel take Lucy Heartfilia as your lawfully wedded wife for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?" "Yes..I mean I do" Natsu said nervously. I chuckled as the priest gave us permission to kiss. I stood waiting until Natsu pulled into a kiss filled with so much passion and love. His lips were so warm and surprisingly soft. As soon as we released the kiss everyone cheered. Soon after that everyone was drinking and partying to their hearts content. Everything was going great until Gray bumped into Natsu causing them to fight and the cake to be knocked over. That's when Erza got involved and it turned into an all brawl. But hey, what was I expecting from the one and only Fairytail?  

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