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:) -Azhani


Lucy P.O.V.

I woke up again today nauseous and dizzy. I finally decided to go see Wendy about it to see if I was okay. I didn't tell Natsu about it because I didn't want to worry him. I got out of the bed and took a nice bath. I got dressed and went to the guild. When I got there I was greeted with warm smiles and happy faces as always. I causally went over to her. "Hey Wendy!" I said as she began to look up. "Hi Lucy! How are you?" she asked with sincerity. "That's actually what I came to talk to you about. I been feeling a little sick lately and I just want to know if I'm okay. " I asked her. For a brief moment her face switched to concern. "Sure Lucy. I can check you out." She got up and lead me to the infirmary. I laid down and she put her hands over my body. A green glow surrounded her hands as she began to go into deep concentration. When the green glow disappeared she looked at me with a very big smile."Wendy, what's wrong?" "Well Lucy, I know why you're sick."


Natsu P.O.V.

I got up out of bed and headed to the guild. I had to find Lucy and judging by her scent she's at the guild. I ran to Fairytail and as soon as I got there that ice princess wanted to fight me. "Hey pyro! What are you looking at?!" One menacing stare from Erza and he was silent. I was a little stiff from her grimace too. I stood for second wondering what I was doing. Then I remembered and fun Lucy sitting at the bar drinking a strawberry milkshake. I walked up to her. "Hey Luce. Can I ask you a question? Somewhere a little private." She glanced up. "Sure Natsu. I have something to tell anyway. We walked to where the rainbow sakura tree was before I uprooted it. I took a deep breath and held her hands. "Okay Luce. I know we've only known each other for short time, but it feels like a lifetime. I told you before that I've loved you way before you loved me,but I'm saying it again. I love you Luce and I can't imagine my life without waking up to your warm smile,chocolate brown eyes,and your golden hair. Without you yelling at me every time I do something stupid Which let's be honest Luce happens a LOT. I guess what I'm saying Luce is will you marry me?" I said on one knee show casing the beautiful ring I had gotten earlier in all it's glimmering glory. She stared at me blankly. After a long pause and me worrying if I had screwed up or not, she finally spoke. "Natsu stand up." She said. I stood up in complete anxiety. It wasn't long before she tackled me to the ground and showered me with kisses. "Oh Natsu! That was so beautiful! Of course I'll marry you idiot!" She said in glee. 

Lucy P.O.V.

We got up and dusted ourselves off. "I have something to tell you too Natsu." I said. The nervous feeling I had before instantly rushed back. Possible outcomes flooded my head. What if he leaves me? What if he doesn't like the news? What if he doesn't love me anymore? I shook myself from my own thoughts. I looked him straight in the eyes. "I'm pregnant." ....."That's great! I'm going to be a dad!" Before I knew it he was running down the streets of magnolia screaming "I'm going to be a dad". It would have been fine if he didn't destroy everything thing in his path. I sighed and rubbed my belly. "That's your father." That's the father of my children and my future husband. How will this family survive?



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