CHAPTER TWENTY Carter's perspective

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Kyle and I swam out farther in the water as Olive distracted everyone else.

"Let me explain-" Kyle started.

"Kyle, don't Olive told me everything. I'm really sorry I should have let you explain I fell terrible". I said meeting his gaze.

"So you forgive me?" He asked his eyes searching mine trying to find out the answer.

"Of course! Do you forgive me? If you do, I really want to start over" I said.

"Yes, and me too" Kyle said leaning in to kiss me.

"I really like you Kyle but not yet, we need to start over and I need to get to know you more" I sighed.

"I understand, no problem. How about we go out Friday night for our 'first' date?" Kyle asked.

"Sounds amazing" i replied. I grabbed Kyle's hand and squeezed it tight.

Everyone had left the beach and Olive decided to stay over night at my house. We hopped on our bikes and biked to my house, ran up to my room, and put on our pyjamas.

"Soooooo how did it go with you-know-who?" Olive teased.

"Gooooood we are back together but we are going to start over. He is taking me out Friday night! How was the rest of our friends at the beach?" I asked.

"Well umm..." Olive hesitated.

"Well umm what?!" I asked raining my eyebrows.

"Ya know Ryan just asked me out... No biggy!" Olive squealed hugging me.

"You never told me you liked Ryan!" I gasped happily.

"I know I know and I'm sorry but now we can go on double dates and stuff together!!!" Olive cheered.

"That's awesome!" I laughed.

"But! Besties before boyfriends promise!?" Olive asked sticking out her pinky in my direction.

"Besties before boyfriends!" I repeated as we pinky swore. "I have my best friend and that's all I need. Our friendship will last forever no matter how many troubles (boyfriends) we have. Our friendship can never be broken". I said hugging Olive.

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