CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Carter's perspective

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The crowd gathered outside the fencing, it had been placed to keep people away from the baby sea turtles.
Olive wasn't here yet, she is never late. The first little shift of sand caught the crowds attention. The volunteers sat inside the fence to help guide the turtles to the water. A car pulled into the parking lot, Olive. She hurried out slipped on her shirt that volunteer and rushed through the crowd, over the fence and sat down beside me.

"Uhh your late!" I laughed.

"I know I know, I ran into a little someone at the grocery store." Olive said nudging me.

"Well that's great but right now let's pay attention to the turtles" I sighed.

"Okay but I'm gonna tell u later." Olive promised.

The sand caved in and we could see the little white eggs start to crack. A little blackish turtle head poked out and wiggled out of he shell. One after another they hatched, all making their way to the water with the help of the volunteers scaring birds and crabs away from them. The morning went quickly, now it was lunch time. Olive and I sat at a picnic table in between two swaying palm trees.

"Okay what I was trying to say before I need to tell you NOW." Olive demanded.

"Okay okay what is it!" I asked.

"It's about Kyle..."

"Oh great HIM!"

"There is a reason Kyle's dad did what he did. When Kyle was younger his mother left him and his father-" Olive went on telling me everything.

"Wow..." I sighed.

"Ya I know I think you owe him and apology." Olive pointed out.

"I think I do." I said texting him. "-hey Kyle, Olive told me everything I had no idea I should have let you explain but I didn't and I am sorry.-"

"Did he reply yet?" Olive asked.

"Nope, I'll tell you if or when he does though"

"Okay" Olive replied.

"Wanna do something tonight? We could invite Kyle too" I asked.

"Sure that's a great idea!" Olive said excited. I could tell she didn't hate Kyle anymore, that was good I didn't need my best friend hating my boyfriend! But he isn't even my boy friend anymore...

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