CHAPTER EIGHT Carter's perspective

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We had an awesome day. It was sunny, warm, and there was plenty of things to do.

"What do you say we go buy a friendship bracelet?" I asked pulling some cash out of my pink leather purse.

"That's a great idea!" Olive gasped as we ran down the sidewalk to our favourite store called High Tide.

We entered the store and a mini bell rang, I always loved the sound of it. The store owner Wendy welcomed us as usual and we headed to the jewellery section.

"This ones pretty" Olive called from two aisles away.

I shuffled over looking at the silver chain bracelet with two connecting heart charms dangling on it's neatly crafted loops.

"I think we need one that nobody else in the world could have" I quickly paced over to a spot with just plain silver bracelet chains hung.

"How about we buy these and go down to the beach and find sea shells to attach?" I exclaimed.

"That would be amazing!" Olive agreed grabbing chain off the rack to pay for it. We checked out and headed to the beach.

After about half an hour we each had five perfect shells picked out and we stuffed them in our pockets. I noticed something in the water up ahead just as Olive noticed it as well. We hurried up the beach, the wet sand trying to swallow our toes. We reached the floating object in the water it was a dead green sea turtle. It's lifeless body bobbed as the current pushed it towards the sand. Wrapped around it was a torn fish net along with a boat sail. I picked up the ripped boat sail and we tried to read it.

"It looks like it says Castaway, but the other half is missing" I said confused.

"Ya, Castaway something see you can see part of another word here" Olive pointed to the letter C on the sail.

"That's odd" I said rowing it in the trash. "Let's go on the board walk, oh and if we see any beach staff we'll tell them about he turtle" I said walking beside Olive towards he boardwalk.

Olive and I ambled down the boardwalk. I licked my chocolate ice cream, the delicious flavour chilling my mouth and sliding down my throat gently, it was a wonderful feeling. My silky aqua shirt ruffled in the wind like waves, as the sun set slowly into the water on the horizon.

"Look!" I exclaimed to Olive as I pointed at the whale breaching very far off in the distance. We jogged to the railing and watched the whale. Someone bumped into me and I stumbled sideways onto the wooden boardwalk my hands sliding on the damp spiky wood. I dropped my ice cream as it slid off into the water.

"I'm so sorry" a guy about our age said as he offered me his hand.

"It's okay" I said looking at him. His hair was light brown and slightly wavy, he had soft brown eyes on either side of his perfect nose.

"I'm Kyle" the guy said helping me up as I straightened my shirt down.

"I'm Carter, it's nice to meet you" I said blushing. "This is my friend Olive" I said shyly gesturing towards her as she came to stand beside me.

"Hey" Olive said happily.

"How 'bout I go buy you a new ice cream" Kyle said somewhat embarrassed.

"No no it's fine I wasn't gonna eat it all anyway" I mumbled.

"Sorry anyway I was just looking for my father he's a fisherman down here in Stochtown" Kyle replied looking over at the pier.

"Cool" Olive said clearly bored.

"Well we better be going then" I sighed slowly backing up.

"Okay I'll see you around then I guess" Kyle croaked as he went off to find his father.

"He was cute" Olive laughed wiping ice cream off my wrist.

"Sure" I said blushing again.

"We better go meet up with Aunt Donna" Olive pointed out looking at the time on her phone, it was 7:23 pm.

"Yes" I agreed as we headed off to meet Olive's Aunt Donna in the parking lot.

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