CHAPTER NINE Olive's perspective

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The night air was cool and swished through the dark shiny palm tree leaves. My dog May hurried up to me and stuffed her muzzle into my hands, her fuzzy cream fur skimming my bare legs. My parents were off at dinner party for work, so I was home alone. I reached for my phone deep in my pocket and clicked it on. My friend Isabelle had texted me. I brought up IMessage and clicked our conversation. I read the message.

"-Hey Olive😜 wassup? I noticed today in the paper something 'bout the odd animals deaths just thought it would interest u. Ttyl😉🙋-" I texted her back.

"-thnx I Havnt got r paper yet so I wouldn't have seen it I'll go pick it up tonight. Ttyl-" I ran down to the door and slipped on my Aero Postale flip flops and my hoodie. I went out back to grab my bike and wheeled it out front and got on. I peddled down to the neighbourhood mailboxes and unlocked our family's mail box. There was the news paper with the animal death article right on front. I reached to the back of the mail box to grab my little brother Josh's car magazine. I quickly read the main paragraph and stuffed it in my bike basket. I peddled back to the house, I could see the waves reflecting the moon out back of the neighbourhood houses. My hair blew like streamers in the light nighttime breeze. A car was driving slowly around the corner up ahead. The car pulled up to the Monchico beach parking lot and five men hurried out with barrels and bags of fishing gear. They were scruffy looking men, long tangled beards, bushy eye brows, and old clothes which told me they must just be local fishermen. But why fish at night? It was odd. Hardly anybody went down the the beach fishing this late at night. I was a little scared so I peddled harder towards home, but I would have to pass the fishermens truck to get to my house. I peddled as hard as I could, my ankles scraping the peddles as my feet slid off the peddle every couple seconds. I glanced over at the truck two more me hopped out of the back. Just then my bike hit a huge rock on the road and I went flying over the handle bars, my bare knees scraped on the ground and my knuckles throbbed as little chunks of gravel rocks threatened to puncture my tanned skin.

"Are you alright?" A familiar voice exclaimed.

"Who is that?" I asked gulping.

"It's me Kyle" the boy called from across the road. He hurried over and examined my bleeding knees and shins.

"I'll be fine my house is just on the next block" I said hurrying myself.

"No no let me walk you" Kyle offered.

"Ok" I said a little hesitant. I wheeled my bike as I walked back to my house with Kyle. The moonlight reflecting on his hair. We arrived at my house and I leaned my bike up against the palm tree in our front yard.

"Well see you around" Kyle said shyly.

"Thanks for walking me home" I said thanking him politely.

"Anytime" Kyle laughed as he headed back down the side walk towards were the fishermen's truck was. What is he going down there with those fishermen? I asked myself.

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