CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Olive's perspective

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I hurried into the grocery store to buy a salad for lunch. Carter and I had volunteered to help protect the baby sea turtles when they hatched today. I got to the salads and grabbed the first one I saw, I quickly payed for it and bolted outside towards my mom waiting in the car. As I was running I ran into a man, no a boy. It was Kyle. He picked up my salad which I had dropped and handed it back to me.

"Thanks" I said through gritted teeth. After what he did to Carter was I going to show him respect? No!.

"Wait!" He called as I stormed off.

"What do you want" I sneered.

"Just give me a minute to explain!" Kyle pleaded.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because my father wasn't killing sea animals for fun you know, he is actually a good person. Let me explain what happened, please Olive"

"You have two minutes cuz I gotta go" I puffed sitting down on a bench with Kyle.

"Okay, it all started six years ago when my mother left us. that's when it all started. My parents loved each other so much but one day my mother just left, we didn't know why. She took all of our money with her, all the money they had saved up for me to go to university or college gone. I wanted to make my parents proud when I was younger, I wanted to be successful, smart, and have a good job. My father knew how much that meant to me so he tried to get a job everywhere he could. But it just wasn't working out for him. We had always lived by the ocean so of course my father had a boat. That's when he got the idea to make money off of selling illegal marine mammals."

"I had no clue..." I stammered.

"My father eventually had enough money to pay for schooling long ago but he got so crazed with earning money being rich buying anything he wanted, that he didn't want to stop. I tried to stop him but what was I supposed to do report my own loving father to the police? So I just let him continue. I need you to explain this to Carter she won't answer my phone calls or texts."

"Wow I understand now... I will tell her, I promise! But I have to go the sea turtles are counting on me." I hopped in the car and my move drove me down to the beach.

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