CHAPTER TWELVE Carter's perspective

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I picked out he nicest dress I owned, tonight was my date with Kyle. The dress I had picked was an ocean blue knee high ruffled strapless dress. I zipped he back up and got out my shiny black flats and my black leather purse. I set them by he door then went back upstairs to curl my hair. When I was finished my hair was in beautiful light brown waves, it looked really nice with my dress. The door bell rang and I quickly stuffed my phone into my purse and casually walked down the steps to open the door for Kyle.

"Hey" I said shyly reaching for my sweater.

"Hey" Kyle replied smiling and held my hand. I gulped quietly as we walked towards the car. "Are you excited?" He asked backing the car out of my driveway.

"Of course!" I exclaimed a little two loud. I felt a little embarrassed and my cheeks blushed.

" me too" Kyle added. My hands were getting a little sweaty as my hands grasped my purse. "Have you read the book The Land Of Nowhere?" I asked trying to start a conversation.

"No I'm not much if a reader" he stated.

"What do you like to do?" I questioned.

"Well I like to go fishing with my Father sometimes" he said somewhat cautiously for some reason. I wasn't going to ask why though.

"That sounds fun!" I said.

"Maybe we could go on my Fathers boat tonight after the movies" Kyle suggested.

"Ok! I just have to be home by eleven thirty" I replied.

"Great" Kyle responded smiling at me.

The movie was great, Kyle even held my hand for most o he movie! We were on our way back to his house to go on his Fathers boat for a bit. We pulled in his driveway and he lead the way to his backyard where the boat was. It was only eight o'clock so the sun was just setting. The boat was gorgeous. We climbed over the side and Kyle headed towards the wheel.

"This boat is amazing" I said stunned.

"My Father and his crew built it, they capture lots or different marine animals" Kyle said turning on the boat. We headed out into the ocean, we were close enough that we could still see his house in the distance though. He anchored the boat and came to sit beside me.

"Tonight was amazing" I sighed looking out at the ocean. I felt Kyle's fingers in mine and I turned to look at him. He was looking out at the ocean too but them turned to face me.

"I had a lot of fun too" he said. Kyle moved closer to me our shoulders now touching. I let my head rest on his shoulder. I looked up at the sky the beautiful colours of a sunset mixing together. I noticed the boats flag pole and I went to look at the flag but only part of a flag remained on the flag pole.

"What did that flag used to say?" I asked him yawning.

"Castaway Coast, why?" Kyle asked.

"No reason" I replied. Kyle leaned closer to me and kissed my cheek. My heart skipped a beat and my cheeks reddened. I felt my phone vibrate inside my pocket, I sat up and pulled it out it was my Mom. I answered her call.

"Hey" I said into the phone.

"Hey Honey I need you to come home and babysit Nicole, you Dad and I have a sudden work meeting" my Mom grumbled clearly mad about the situation too.

"I guess... , I'm on my way"I groaned disapointed and hung up.

"Hey Kyle I'm sorry but I got to go home now I have to babysit my sister".

"Oh that's fine" Kyle said as he started up the boat again and took us back to shore.

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