CHAPTER ELEVEN Olive's perspective

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My phone rang inside my pocket and I pulled it out and clicked it on. It was a text from Carter. I read the message

"-hey Olive! Idk if I should be excited or not but... Kyle just asked me out! I said yes we are going to the movies on Friday night-" I felt my stomach twist. I don't know what it was but something bugged me about that guy, I wasn't gonna tell Carter that though.

"- that's great you should defiantly be excited!-" I texted back. My cat Lily leaped up onto my bed and rubbed her head across my arm. "Ahh Lily" I sighed picking her up. She meowed and gave me the 'put me back down look' so I set her back down on my bed. I didn't know what to do so I flicked on my tv. I scrolled through all the channels and nothing I wanted to watch was on so I clicked on the news. I grabbed my phone and checked my Pinterest, nothing. I glanced up at the tv and to my amazement the news reporters were at Monchico beach! My jaw dropped open and the remote fell to the floor the batteries scattering under my bed. They said that several dead marine animals had been killed including illegal ones.

"What the-..." I mumbled as my brother Josh cut me off.

"Olive I know you took my magazine" Josh teased and grumbled.

"I swear... Wait it's out with the mail you goof" I corrected myself.

"Thanks" he said sarcastically. What a brat I thought. My phone dinged and I looked at the screen it was Carter. I read her message.

"- ikr! It was kinda awkward but he seems really nice!-" my stomach twisted again I don't know why. I replied to her message.

"- well have fun Friday if I don't see you before then!-" I shut my phone off and flopped my head back down on my pillow. I stared up at the ceiling, pretending I was laying on the beach.

"Olive! Come clean up your mess!" Mom yelled from downstairs. "Ahhhh coming" I sighed and stumbled down to the kitchen, Lily following me. I headed towards the living room to pick up my things when a truck with no headlights zoomed by. I only reason I knew there was even a vehicle was because the moon was reflecting on the hood and windows. I quickly read the licence plate. But I couldn't catch the last letter. I saw five figures inside the truck. Who drives without headlights? I asked myself.

"Olive clean up!" My Mom repeated a little more harsh.

"I'm going I'm going" I mumbled and stuffed it all in a shopping bag to bring up to my room.

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