CHAPTER FIFTEEN Olive's perspective

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I stumbled around trying to find my phone. I finally found it and checked my messages, it was an unknown number. I read the message as I walked towards home.

"- GET DOWN TO KYLE'S HOUSE RIGHT NOW. I found out about his boat, he is illegally catching marine animals! He tried to take me into his boat! It's Carter by the way I'm using Kyle's phone he is here with me. SOS-"

I gulped a sudden horrible things that could have happened to Carter filled my head. What would I do without her? How would I EVER live without my best friend? She's alive I think? Well she texted me saying help so she HAS to be alive. I bolted up my driveway and into the house.

"DAAAAAAAAAAD!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Don't yell in the house Olive!" My Dad groaned.

"You need to drive me down to Kyle's house NOW" I said my heart beating faster.

"Honey it's 11:30 at night!" My Dad argued.

" Fine then if you won't drive me I'll drive myself, where are the keys?" I puffed trying to find the keys in their usual spot on the counter in the kitchen.

"Olive your not even 16! You CANNOT drive!" My Dad roared.

"CARTER IS IN DANGER TELL ME WHERE THE FREAKING KEYS ARE!" I screamed starting to cry. My Dad just took a step back and looked a little scared.

"I guess i could give you a quick ride down but this better be quick" Dad said grabbing the keys from in his coat pocket. I dragged him out he door and we got in the car.

We got to the stop light downtown at least two blocks away from Kyle's house when there was a traffic jam. At least fifty cars were stopped in front of us.

"Uhhhhh!" I screeched. My Dad was startled my my screech and jumped out of his seat a little.

"Honey calm down, Carter will be fine" Dad soothed.

"How can I calm down when my best friend could be dead for all I know!" I unlocked my car door and pulled off my flats. "I'm gonna run" I said bolting off down the street before my Dad could say otherwise.

I finally reached Kyle's street, I started to run as fast as my bare feet could take me. My legs cramped and I swear I had a million slivers in my feet! It felt nice when my sore road burned feet hit the gras on Kyle's front lawn.


I heard a voice say from inside the house. If my best friend was trapped inside there, I was gonna be the one to get her out.

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