The End

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Okay so I lied.....
That was the last chapter.......that's it...
For now.... B)
Be expecting Book 3 in a few days....or weeks....or months...... I dont know...but expect it before the end of the school year......
I'm so glad you all support this series so much! Even though it's terrible, you liked it....well....maybe not even like...but stuck with it....
I'm really really happy....
Shout out to:
1) Everyone who actually liked this...
2)Everyone who voted for at least one chapter....
3) Everyone who read it till the end...
(And now, accounts)
And the rest of you people who helped out with this book and/or entered the Sapphire Drawing Contest! I'm really glad you guys read/voted/loved this book! I will be making a little kind of book (Sapphire Mustang, Capitals of the World) to tell you guys who won, who actually entered, and so on so forth.
I will be making that Book 3! I dont know what I will be doing for it but, just like I do the rest of my books, I'm gonna wing it....
Love you guys so much! Thank you for supporting this and such! Bye for now Love!

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