Into Hiding Pt2

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Sappha's Pov

Marvel and I have been hiding for a week now. Pirate Arthur has found Light Well and we have to move. Marvel used a special magic that will make sure Light Well will not be damaged..hopefully...

We are two pregnant women running from a gang of pirates.. It's been hard, running all the time, but we need to if we want our children to live....

But there has been one question on my mind the entire time:

Where's Alfred?


Alfred's Pov

~Before any of Sapphires Pov happened...~

I Can't believe she's pregnant with...with... That Stupid Britain! I hate him! 

"There's a fire over there! It's a few blocks away! Hurry! Call 911!" I heard someone scream as I turned to look back at my place.

It was on fire...

It was.on fire...


I ran like there was no tomorrow. Sapphire and Marvel are in there. They were both pregnant and I needed them to be safe. I finally reached the house and just ran inside. Heat and smoke bombarded my face as I ventured deeper in the flaming building.

"Sapphire! Where are you?!" I kept running not daring to stop. Then I saw Antonio. I quickly picked him up and ran back outside. "Antonio! Where's Sapphire and Marvel?"

"They" cough "used" cough cough "magic to" cough cough cough "get out" He went into a coughing fit as I relaxed a little. I didn't know where they were but at least they didn't burn.

An ambulance and firetruck arrived and I gave a sigh of relief. Medics helped Antonio and firemen went in and others tired putting out the fire.

One question remained on my mind:

Where's Sapphire?


It's been a week and there's still no sign of Sapphire...And Marvel of course....

I miss Sapphire....

Instead of being there next to her, I'm stuck in a hospital because of some 'major' burns from the fire. At least, the doctor calls them major. I don't. I'm fine! I just want to get out of here so I can look for Sapphire....

The same question still on my mind:

Where's Sappha.....

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