Back to the...Hospital? Pt3

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The doctor came about an hour and a half after I called Marvel.

"Arthur Kirkland?" I stepped forward. "Your wife-" Yao is so gonna kill me..."-gave birth to healthy twins. Congratulations. You may go see her now..."

We rushed to Sapphires room and smiled as we saw her and a nurse both holding a baby in their arms.

"Hello, love. You gave me quite a scare." I kissed the top of her head. "I'm glad you three are alright..."

"Allayna," she called over the Marvel,"do you want to hold her?" she gestured to the baby girl in her arms...She declined...

"Mei? Kiku? Yao? Would you like to?" Kiku shook his head but Mei and Yao nodded. Sapphire gave Yao the baby girl and Mei with the boy.

"So? What about names?" Sapphire and I looked at each other.

"Well, I was thinking Zara and Josh. What do you think?" Sapphire gave a nod of approval.

"Well, Mei? Yao? Kiku? What about you?"

"I think those names are fine..." Kiku agreed and Mei and Yao nodded.


Happy Birthday to Zara, Josh, and Alfred!

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