Glad We're Nations...

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ArArthur's Pov

I woke up and saw that Sapphire was nowhere to be seen. Same with the kids. I called her cell but realized she left it behind. I panicked and called for an emergency meeting.

~At the Meeting~

"So Marvel and Nina are missing as well? Where could they have gone?" Every country was one knows where they are though...If they were in Marvel, then Russia would know because they're married and now he as has some control over her country as well.

You see, when other countries enter another country, then the country they enter can sense it. Unfortunately, no country was speaking up. No country knows where they are.....

I hope they're safe....

Canada's Pov

"Uh...excuse me....excuse me!" I've been trying to get someone else's attention for the past half hour.

Then, I resorted to my last option. I walked up to America and said:

"I topped Russia..."

"You WHAT?! My LITTLE BROTHER DID WHAT?!" Everyone looked at me with wide eyes.

"I only said that so I could get your attention. You guys, they're in my country.  You guys never let me talk so..."

"Oh...Then let's go get them!"

"America, it's not that easy. I know where they are exactly but...Sapphire is really happy. She's playing in the snow...but with...the 2p me, England, France, and you. And Kuma... But, Marvel isn't happy at all... We can take Marvel and Nina but Sapphire and the twins...I don't know if they will come willingly..."

Everyone stared at me. It isn't normal for a country to know so much....

"Well...what do we do now? Do we make a plan for only getting Marvel and Nina and leave Sapphire and the twins? Or do we take both?"

Everyone was silent.....

Okay, just one clarification.
Matthew was NOT the one watching Matt and Sapphire. It was someone else who was in the house.

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