The World Meeting & First Impressions

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"EVERYONE! SHUT UP! ZHE NEW COUNTY MIGHT BE HERE ANY TIME! MAKE A GOOD FIRST IMPRESSION!" Germany yelled at the arguing nations and everything fell silent...

There was a knock at the door...


OC Pov

I woke up this morning and went to go get the mail. Not likely that I had any. I live alone ever since my first adoptive parents died. I've never met my real parents... I've always wondered where my parents are...

Oh...I have mail... It read:

Dear Sapphire,

You have been invited to a special meeting. This is very important and attendance is a must. We will send a driver to come get you next Saturday... Hope to see you there!







I was invited for a meeting with the UN... I was invited for a meeting with the UN!

I'm so excited! Omg! Omg! Omg! I can't believe it! Saturday? That's tomorrow! I have to ready clothes! Fudge! Don't judge! Sapphire Mustang does not cuss unless angry...and that's rare...

~Time Skip By FMB~

The driver came to pick me up at 3pm. I was wearing a frilly baby blue dress and navy blue vans.

"You look very beautiful, Ms. Mustang. Shall we go?" the driver was very kind.

"Thank you very much.You're too kind. Let's go."

~Another time skip by FMB~

We arrived at 3:26. Four minutes till the meeting started. The driver guided me to the meeting room, since I knew I would get lost, even though I'm nineteen years old.

He left saying he would be back if called or one of the nations (I guessed he was talking about the nations' representatives) would give me a ride. I thanked him.

I walked over to the door and knocked. Then, slowly opened the door. I peeked my head in, being the shy person I am, and slowly opened the door wider. When I was fully inside, I closed the door behind me and, me being shy, stared at the ground, my hands on my lap.

"Hello, love. Welcome to the World Meeting." One man said. I looked up and nodded slightly then went back to the position I was in earlier. He looked British so I guess he's England's rep.

"So, what's your name, love?" Definitely British...

I looked up but didn't say anything because of my shyness. I don't like talking to a crowd. I want to talk to the driver, Ed. Then, I remembered. He gave me his card and a pen. I so wanted to call him but I didn't move. I was too scared to.

Then, another man popped up, ran to me, and hugged me. I was too shocked to say anything for a moment. But then... My multiple personalities kicked in.

"You bloody git! Unhand me!" I yelled at the Italian. He let go of me.

"You-a sounded like-a Arthur!" then he ran back to the German rep. They all looked at me and my Japanese personality kicked in.

"My aporogies. I am sorry." Then, I gracefully bowed. When I came back up, they were still looking at me shocked.

Then the American rep. looked at me and said:

"Dudette? Are you like all the countries combined?" Then I remembered... My adoptive parents told me I was a mix of all the capital cities personifications.

"Well...I'm all the capital cities..." They must not have heard me because they kept whispering to each other asking what I said. I tried talking louder...

"I'm all the capital cities..." They still didn't hear me... I was getting irritated. I yell when I'm irritated...

"I SAID IM ALL THE CAPITAL CITIES COMBINED IN ONE! DID YOU HEAR ME THIS TIME!" They all looked at me scared and nodded. "Great! Just great! You all irritated me and it's only been Five FUCKING MINUTES! FIVE FUCKING MINUTES! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU ALL?!" I breathed in and out, using hand motions to calm myself down quicker.

I looked at everyone with an apologetic look and said:

"I'm sorry guys... It's just... Ever since my parents died... I've been...on edge... I haven't had enough patients to hold a job for more than two months at most. I lost the two people who actually cared for me... I had no friends at all... I've never been good with talking to people... And when I get irritated, I yelled and cuss like I did just now... I'm usually really shy and antisocial because of that... I'm really sorry that I yelled though... I... I understand if you want to kick me out..." I was looking down...Then I fell a warm embrace by two strong arms...

"Sapphire, right?" I nodded. It was the American rep. "You're being really hard on yourself... We would never kick you out just because you yelled at us... You've had a rough past...and...Dudette?" I had started crying unconsciously. He held me in front of him and wiped away my tears. He held the side of face and my head leaned on it.

I pushed him away and ran out of the room. The UN followed me. I ran all the way to the park I had seen while being driven to the meeting. I hid under the park bench. Me being only 5.4, I fit perfectly. I heard footsteps come closer then hear:

"Love, please come out from under there." the British rep. I shook my head. "But you done want your dress to get dirty do you?" Then I jumped out from under the bench. I didn't look at the representatives but only at my now dirty dress and slapped some dirt off it.

I didn't look at the representatives but stared at the ground. Two fingers held my chin forcing me to look at the owner of them. It was the British representative.

"Love, you have dirt on your face as well. Let me get that for you." He kept his fingers on my chin and grabbed out a handkerchief. He then wiped my face... But...he did it so gently.... It reminded me of how my dad would wipe my face when I was little... I started to tear up...

"Oh goodness! Did I hurt you, love? I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" I shook my head. "Thank goodness! I'm glad I didn't! But why are you crying?"

"My dad used to wiped my face like that..." I held a faint smile but it soon faded as I remembered when I saw the car crash with my own two eyes... I was engulfed in two warm strong arms again... The American...

"Why don't we all go home and finish this tomorrow? I'll take Sapphire home..." They all agreed but he asked me for approval. After I nodded, I said I was tired and he carried me bridal style to the car. He sat me down and we drove off. He brought me home but I was surprised when he asked if I wanted to sleep at his place.

"Sure... Let me pack some stuff first.." He nodded and we both went inside. The inside of my house is clean but messy at the same time.

"Do you live alone?"

"Ever since the accident yes..."


"There's nothing for you to be sorry about... You didn't know..." He nodded and I went to pack my stuff.

When I came back downstairs, he was looking around. Then, I realized something...

"I don't know any of the members' names..."

"That's okay. Tomorrow, we'll introduce ourselves. Don't worry..." We got into the car and drove to his place.


That escalated quickly... So what do you guys think of this story? Do you like it?

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