Sleepover and Nina

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Sappha's Pov

"Well that was stressful..." Marvel, Alfred, Arthur (he had returned back to normal after we sunk his ship. Go Bastard Spaniard!), Antonio (so many 'A' names), and I had just arrived back in Florida (omg! Read 'Hetalia Crackers' and you will know why I put the next part...)

"You got that right! And why are we in Florida? That's just sick Alfred!" I shivered at the thought.

"Sorry! Geez, Sapphire! I'm not trying to be a pervert!" We both blush and look away as everyone else stares at us confused.

"What the bloody hell just happened?"

"Sapphire is thinking wrong!"

"Alfred's being a pervert!"

We said that at the same time and our faces turned an even darker shade of red.








"So..we should get going..I swear you two are like children when you do that...tattling on each other.. Childish nonsense..."

"You know know you love us, Iggy-brows!"

"Don't call me that..." surprisingly calm voice...good job, Artie! "Let's go..."

"Hey, Sappha! Let's do a girl's night with Hungary and Taiwan!" Marvel is just like America...Always wanting to party....

"Okay....let's hope we don't start randomly talking about yaoi....I mean, I can deal with it, I just...nevermind....I don't wanna talk about it...." She gave me a concerned look but gave up when I didn't say anything.

~Time Skip brought to you by FMB~

"Yay! Okay, so now that we're all here, what movie do you wanna watch?"

"Let's watch-"

"Don't you dare say a romance movie or something having to do with yaoi, Yuri, or smut!"

That shut Taiwan up...

"Wow, you have a sick mind...."

"You do too if you were able to name all three!"


"Got ya there!"

"Let's just watch The Avengers: Age of Ultron..." They all agreed to watch that movie, even though Taiwan still wanted to watch her 'movie'. It was just videos of...smut.... I couldn't believe her... This is Japan's fault!

In the middle of the movie, Marvel...screamed? There was nothing scary about this movie...

" okay?"

"Ah! The baby!"

"Shoot...." I quietly cursed to myself. "Well, looks like we're gonna have to do a home birth. We won't make it to the hospital in time. Girls, let's do this! Get some medical alcohol, a towel, hot water, and some crushed ice! Hurry!"

(Note: My mom and sister are nurses, BUT they do not tell me this stuff. I just know to get this stuff. I don't know how, or why. I just do. The crushed ice is for Marvel to eat. Just saying...)

~One hour later~

"Okay. You're little baby girl is very healthy. She came out legs first but otherwise, everything is fine. Would you like to hold her?"

After an hour of that, I feel like I could work in a hospital. She nodded and I handed her her baby.


"So what?"

"What's her name?"

"Nina. Nina Braginski."

"That's a beautiful name...I...I..."

"Sapphire? What's wrong?"

"This situation is so weird. I'm a pregnant woman who helped another pregnant woman give birth..."

"True, true"

"Okay, girls, one more project. We need to call all the countries and tell them there is another world meeting. Marvel, you call Ivan and tell him why. No one else say why, just to come. Okay? Let's do this!"

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