Party, Miss Hungary, and Crying...

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I was discharged from the hospital and we all went home. Of course, I had to go back to my house instead of staying with Arthur...weird right? You would think I would stay with him because of me having two children but...yeah....(insert shrugs XD)

When I got there,(Arthur had been kind enough to drive me there), I had a short and bittersweet surprise waiting for me and the twins. Once I opened the door, I saw a banner saying 'Congrats with the Twins!' on it, a cake with pink and blue layers(courtesy of France), presents for the twins, and everyone was there.

"What is all of this?" I asked as I looked around. Zara stirred in my arms a bit but was still asleep. I knew that a certain American and/or Prussian would soon make her wake from her slumber. I was right...

"Hey, Sappha! Do you-" I shushed him suddenly as Zara and Josh started to wake. I looked at Zara and Josh and both were fine and, surprisingly, not crying. 

"You have to be quiet! See? You woke them both. Alfred, you really need to be more quiet..." I calmly scolded him.

"Sorry, Sapphire..."He apologized quietly and took a few steps back.

"Quite alright, Alfred." I looked back to Arthur. "Love? Are you alright with staying up late? You still have to drive yourself home..."

"If it's alright with you, love, I actually wanted to stay here with you and the kids..." A little blush spread over his face. I softly smiled at him.

"It's quite alright with me, love." Washington kicked in and I smiled like the idiot American. He chuckled at me.

"Hi, Washington." He smiled.

Oh! And I forgot to say, when my capitals kick in, my appearance changes as well. That's when they know when to call me a specific capital. When I'm Washington DC, I have blonde hair, like Alfred, blue eyes, like Alfred, and a cowlick, like Alfred. So pretty much, I'm the female version of America, just not really his female...I don't know how to explain it...anyway...I might talk as if the capitals are separate people....

"Hey! What's up, dude?" I still had a quiet voice though. Washington knew Zara was in her arms. I looked down and smiled at the baby girl chillin' in my arms. I tickled her tummy gently and she gave a cute, little laugh. Her brother heard her and smiled.

Tokyo kicked in and said:

"Konnichiwa, Zara-sama, Josh-sama." The rest of the night, my capitals kept switching from one to another and that uses my magic. By the time Zara and Josh fell asleep, I was ready to just knock out. My magic was drained so much because the capitals kept switching I just wanted to sleep.

"Arthur? Love? Are you going to sleep with me?" I asked him quietly.

"If it's alright with you." I nodded and we changed and went to bed. I knocked out the second my head hit the pillow...

The next day he had work and I needed to go to the store and stock up on food for Arthur and myself. I didn't want to take the twins with me so I called someone I knew I could trust.

The knock at the door I had been waiting for came.

"Thank you so much, Miss Hungary. I'll be back in around half an hour. Help yourself to anything you would like in the kitchen and such. Thank you!" With that, I left my two precious children in the hands of a violent but caring country... Wonder how this will turn out...

When I came back from the grocery store, all I heard was crying.

"Can you get the rest of the groceries from the car and put them on the kitchen table while I calm these two down? Thank you so much!"

When she came back in with the first handful of grocery bags, I had already calmed down the twins.

"Turns out, Josh was only crying because of his sister and she was crying because she wanted to be changed..." Miss Hungary just face palmed and sat down. "Sorry. That must've been hell for you. What can I do to repay you?"

She shook her head. "Nothing. As long as those two aren't crying." We both shared a laugh and she left.

Sorry! This is such a terrible chapter! Then again, when are my chapters not terrible? Vote, Follow, and Send All That Love! Bye!

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