Don't be afraid

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(This has nothing to do with the actual story line....Just a Mommy!Reader x Chibi! Canada)

You lived as a caretaker for a man named Francis Bonneyfoy and a little boy named Matthew Williams. You were taking your rounds around the house one stormy night. Matthew was sleeping and Francis was doing work in his office.
Lightening flashed outside and you heard a quite high pitched screech-ish...thing....whatever you call it.... Come from Matthew's room. Then you remembered.
Matthew is frightened by lightening and very loud noises in general.
You rushed into his room to find him hiding under his blanket next to the wall on his bed. You walk over to his side and pull off some of the blanket. He sees you and jumps into your arms, crying.
You recall a lullaby your mother would always sing to your little brother when he was scared.
And you sat on his bed, cradling him, singing that very lullaby.
He eventually fell asleep in your arms and you tucked him in.
As you gave him a kiss on his forehead, you hear a familiar voice.
"You have a very beautiful voice." It was you boss, Francis.
"Thank you, sir."
"No. Thank you for taking care of us."
And you both left the room to go to sleep.

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