Wedding and Another Secret Revealed

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Allistar's Pov

One Month past and the wedding was a go. Sapphire went with me. Much to America and Arthur's dismay, and many other's.

"You are now Country and Wife. You may now kiss the country." And with that Russia and Marvel gave a passionate kiss.

When Marvel threw the bouquet, Sapphire didn't go to join to try to catch it. Come to think of it...she wasn't there after the kiss. She was missing ever since after the kiss...

"Lass! Lass! Where are you!?" I cried over the crowd.

"Allistar? What's wrong? And where's Sapphire?"

"I don't know where the lass is. Will yes help me find her?" They split up asking everyone if they'd seen Sappha.

"Guys, what's going on? Everyone is worrying. What happened? Have you seen Sappha? I need to thank her for helping me go through hours and hours before I actually picked a dress."

"Well, we're-" Arthur.

"-looking for-" Alfred.

"-the lass. She went-" Allistar.

"-missing after-" Arthur.

"-you kissed-" Alfred. (The cycle continues)

"-and we really-"

"-can't find-"

"-the lass." Marvel looked at them.

"It's cute how you guys are finishing each other's sentences and are worrying about Sappha. I think she went back to her den- I mean, house..." She gave a nervous smile.

We looked at her confused but raced to their car(they used my car because I have a Lamborghini. Lol 22 Jump Street! >¬<)

We reached Sappha's house and knocked.

"One minute please!" someone yelled from inside. We heard clambering and footsteps going down stairs before the door opened. "Can I help-Allistar? Arthur? Alfred? What are you doing here?"

Sappha's Pov

"...What are you doing here?" Then I was embraced by three sets of arms. When they let go they gave me looks of concern.

"Where did yes go lass? We was so worried."

"First off, it's 'we were' not 'we was'. Second, I had to leave. Something happened... It was important I leave then or something bad would happen."

"What was it lass?"

"Love, you can tell us anything. You don't have to hide it."

"Arthur, I want you to be the first to know." He gave me a worried look but went inside with me.

"Please don't freak out when I show you." He nodded. "Here goes nothing." I took off my hat and showed him my fox ears and tail. He just stared at me shocked.

"I know, I know... I'm a freak..."

"No...It's amazing..."

He was the first person to ever say that. I blushed. "T-Thanks"

"Guys! Look! It's amazing! Absolutely incredible!" The other two boys walked in and stood in awe.

"You guys have to keep this a secret from the others. I'll tell them when I'm ready..."

Great... Now three guys know my secret.. Great...

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