☾Chapter Twenty-One☽

Start from the beginning

I wasn't surprised when she ran her hand over her midsection, making her dress cling to her bump. She looked a good five months pregnant.

Taking a seat in the thrown beside my father's, I smile at the scared girl. "Leilani, Sweetheart, tell us of your experience with the incubus."

"He was rough," She began timidly, tears brimming her eyes. "I couldn't move nor could I speak, all I could do was stare into his red eyes as he... raped me," She sobbed.

My father nods his head with his hand rubbing his chin in thought. "How far along are you? How come you weren't killed by the incubus?" He muses.

Leilani moves her hand to her growing stomach. "I look bigger than I am. I've only been carrying this child for two months and I already look past the halfway mark," She shrugs helplessly, "the incubus said something about me being the mother of his child and that's the exact reason why he didn't kill me."

'She's not telling us everything,' Greer says immediately after Leilani stops speaking.

Going off of Greer's advice, I stand up and walk in front of Leilani, my creme colored dress dragging behind me. "Why aren't you telling us everything?" I whisper.

Leilani looks up at me in fear. "T-the incubus returns to me at irregular intervals to see me and the damned child, to check on us or something like that," She spews.

I look back at my father who is now standing in front his thrown pacing. "It sounds like that incubus is actually using Leilani as the mother to his children, but we can't allow this to happen anymore," I inform my father before turning to Leilani. "Your child has to be killed," I say coldly.

My father begins to walk towards Leilani, intending to use his powers to kill off the demonic beast growing inside her womb.

She backs away. "No, please, Your Majesty, don't kill the child. The incubus said he'll kill me if I kill the child, I don't want to die," She whimpers as tears begin to fall from her eyes again, staining her cheeks a pale white.

My father's eyes soften at the sight of her tears, which is weird since the only person he really feels sympathy for when they cry is me.

He walks over to Leilani and tilts her face up. "Are you saying that because it's the truth or are you hiding the  feelings you have for the demonic spawn?" He asks.

"Maybe both," She whispers.

I release a low groan. "Unbelievable."

How can she have feelings for that child? That child's supposed to be burning in hell with the rest of its demonic species.

Could she possibly have feelings for the incubus that impregnated her?

"Do you have feelings for the incubus that impregnated you, Leilani?" I voice my thoughts.

My father raises his eyebrows in question at Leilani, who looks down in embarrassment.

I find myself pushing into her brain to give her a command since she won't tell us.

Leilani gasps as I force the truth out of her. She closes her eyes and replies out of desperation. "Yes! Not from our first encounter but from the other times he visited me in my cabin," She confesses.

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