♥ IHateOneDirection ♥ |seven|

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I squirmed in my bed, trying to get into comfortable postion but it seem that every time I try, I just felt even less comfortable. Like I was lying on the floor. I dragged my hand slowly across the bed side only to feel the hard and tiled floors. That was strange. I don't remember getting on the floor yesterday. I remembered that after Harry left my room I practically slept the whole day. I slowly opened half my eyes, and looked through my eyelashes. Weird— my bed was never tiled in white. I felt a really cold breeze blowing through my hair and on bare skin. My eyes shot open and I realized I was in the balcony. I looked up to the morning sky— the road filled with busy cars when I leaned forward over the railing. The balcony had no roof so it was pretty cold since it was 10°C out there. Why the heck was I here? Did I sleepwalk in here? I frowned and turned around, only to find the devil's son looking at me in content, sitting on my bed comfortably. What the—

Did he put me in here? I scowled and quickly grabbed the handle to open the balcony doors. But it wouldn't budge. The Hell?! he locked me in here?? It's freakin' cold out here. I had nothing on except a strapped top and some shorts. Was he trying to kill me?

I slammed on the door, screaming. What if I froze to death here? It wasn't snowing but it was enough for me to freeze to death with nothing much on. I hated the cold. I preferred living in a hot climate. 

"Harry!! Get me out of here!" I shouted, banging on the glass door. Who cares if it falls apart? He just looked at me and smirked, grinning actually. He held his hand to his ear and mouthed the word "What?"    That idiot.

Suddenly I heard ringing, and my head snapped to where the sound was coming from. It was my cellphone. He must placed my cellphone there on purpose. I glared at him and picked it up, "Get me out of here you son of bitch!" I screamed, I swear people from the building across ours could hear me. 

"Only if you say that you'll never bother me or annoy me again." He answered, calmly. 

"It's freaking cold out here Harry! I swear it's reaching 9°C here. If it starts snowing, I swear I'll kill you in your sleep!" 

"Oooohh.. how scary," he laughed, lying on my bed.

I gritted my teeth. My hands started shaking even more now. 

" Just promise that you won't bother me and never butt in to whatever me and my boys do. It's that simple Lize." 

"Go to hell. I'll do what I want. " I spat those words.  

"Suit yourself," he said, getting up from the bed and leaving the room.

"Harry!" I shouted before he ended the call.

T-That imb-becile.  Dang it. I was freezing. I hugged myself, rubbing my arms to get warmth. 

The question was still circling around in my mind. Did he carry me? That scoundrel.
I can't believe he dared to even lay a finger on me. How did he even get me here?
I knew I was a heavy sleeper but this was utterly ridiculous. How did I not wake up from that?
No the most important thing is that I will kill him. Harry Styles was officially dead to me.
I won't just stab him with a knife, I'll do it countless of times, slowly, painfully. 
I'll make him suffer, one by one I'll cut him to shreds.
Hearing his cries out for help and mercy would only be music to my ears.

The icy air that swam around continued to bite and sting my arm and cheeks— no, my whole body.
Oh great. Now I couldn't feel my feet. 

I paused, staring into space.

Oh. My lips curved into a smile then into a grin. I just thought of a brilliant plan to get him to come up here and get me out. I used to take acting classes when I was a kid. I was pretty good actually. Especially in crying scenes.  I could practically cry on command.Oh he's gonna regret doing this.

I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up. He picked him after the second ring. 

I heard his muffled laugh through the phone. I heard munching on the other side. He sounded like he was eating crackers. 
How could he eat crackers whilst I was freezing out here?! I heard my stomach growl. Dang it.

"Hungry huh? Had enough yet?"  I could imagine his cocky grin already. 

I took the courage I had to let out a fake sob. "Harry.. I'm freezing out here.. please.." I sucked in my breath, faking a sniff. 

"What is this? Romeo and Juliet? If you want to fake a cry, at least do it properly," he scoffed. Does he have any sympathy at all? 

"C'mon, please.. I'm begging here. Just let me out and we can talk this over." 

"No. I'll told you that you'd pay. I'm not buying any of your drama. Promise me that you won't ever bother me and my boys. 
Deal or no deal? I don't have much patience," He said. Yeah you can say that again.

I was freezing my ass off that I almost agreed to it but I was smarter than that. " Fuck off Harry." I spat out, ending the call. 

I sighed, as I hugged my legs tighter to my chest, looking down at the floor. Something felt really familiar with this position. I used to do this a lot when I was younger.My mum and dad would always fight. My dad would hit her. I wanted to help her so bad but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

I was afraid it will happen again. 

" I just wished I didn't have such a broken family."    That was all I asked for. 

I felt dried tears on my cheeks. It would so cold, it froze the tears instantly.
Why did I even started crying the first place? God I'm pathetic. 

Then I heard click and the balcony doors opened. "Lize? Are you okay?" I heard Louis' voice and I looked up. "Have you been crying?" he started panicking. 

"No,' I answered fast. 

"What happened? Why are out here?" he asked. I got up and I walked past him, climbing onto my bed. 

"I'm sorry Louis but I need you to leave the room right now."

"But I just—"

"Now Louis."

He nodded, silently as he left the room. 

The one thing I hate the most is letting people see me cry for real. 

Hate That BoyBand (h.s fanfic)| ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ