Who's she?

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Hello~! :3

Here's a Chapter for you~! :DD


•King's Pov•

I was walking towards the school gates, The Driver told me and Elaine walk for the past block, So we did.

"Hey Brother, I'll just Go on first. See You this afternoon!" Elaine smiled, I nodded and she ran to her school while i walked alone.

"King?" Someone's Voice suddenly said Behind me, I suddenly stopped. The voice sounded very familiar. Like i knew her before. I looked back to see, Gerharde. A silver haired Girl, She was wearing our uniform.

Gerharde, Was My old friend before, She was one of the people who were always with me and Elaine until she had to move. I even, Had a crush on her before. Or You should say, I loved her. But i moved on.

"King? Hello? Are you still there?" Her sweet voice asked, I felt weird.I stuttered, "Y-yeah"

"Harlequin!" Someone's Voice said Behind me and Gerharde, I saw Gerharde's Eyes widen, "Excuse, Me, Let's Talk later" She quickly smiled and left. I turned around and saw Diane.

"Hi" I smiled, She gave me a questioning look, I tilted my head. "What?"

"Who was the girl a while ago?" She asked, I looked at the back, Gerharde wasnt there.

"some friend" I smiled, She nodded. "Well, Let's go?" I nodded, We both entered the campus.

When we got to the classroom, The Bell Rang.

I sat down on my chair and Sir Helbram had a blank face going in the classroom. Behind him was Gerharde. I froze in my seat.

"Well Everyone, This is Gerharde. Gerharde, Go take a seat." Sir Helbram turned around and started writing.

Gerharde took the seat next to me, I could feel someone's Glare from afar, i turned around and Saw Diane Looking away.

I sighed, Then The Lecture started.

When the bell Rang, Gerharde Immediately Clung unto me. "Harlequin?" Diane asked, I scratched my head.

"This is Gerharde, My old Friend" I smiled Introducing her. Everyone Said Hi To her except Diane, I shrugged it off, Maybe she was in a badmood. Who knows. 

For Lunch, I asked the captain if Gerharde would eat with us for today and he said, "Its okay, Just make sure everyone's On board with it"

And So, she sat with us. Diane and Ban went to Get our food.

•Diane's Pov•

I was With Ban, Appearantly getting our food.

"Hey, Diane~" Ban said looking at me, "hm?"

"Are you okay with the Whole Gerharde thing?" 

"What makes you say that?" I asked pretending not to care. 

"She's Practically Stuck to him." 

That made me Just totally Freeze. "Yeah, I guess she is." I said non-cholantly.

"You Sure you're okay?" He asked

"Yeah, Sure." I said not looking at him as we took our food out. But what i saw was pretty unsettling.

Gerharde was on my seat. I gave their food and not bothering to look at each one of them and walked away.

"Im going to the Bathroom." I stated

•King's Pov•

Diane just stormed off and Elizabeth stood up, "Excuse me," Then Captain held her wrist, They stared at each other. Until Captain let go and Elizabeth ran for Diane.

I wanted to go with Diane but i currently have someone to babysit.

"It seems you're not going after Diane." Gowther stated and i just stared at him.

•Diane's Pov•

"I cant believe this shit." I crused under my breath. I was in the secret Garden at the moment, Just laying on the Grass.

"You mind if i Lay down With you?" Elizabeth suddenly Came out of nowhere, I nodded. "why not"

"why'd you storm out?" She asked, I sighed in frustration.

"I know Gerharde just came this morning but you know, I just dont like her. She already took my Seat next to Harlequin, Who know's What'll come next." I sighed.

Elizabeth looked at me, "It going to be fine, Let's see where things go, Then Decide things after, Alright?" She smiled, I smiled back. "Yeah, Thanks Elizabeth. this is why you're My Bestfriend" She smiled at me and we went back to the cafeteria, I just bought a Sandwhich and I'll apologize to Ban Later.

When we went to our usual Table, I saw Gerharde talking to King. I shrugged it off, They're just talking. When we got nearer, I heard Gerharde say, "Let's Go Home together?" 

I internally screamed, I looked at King, He scratched his head. "Im not sure," That gave me releif. 

Then, Gerharde looked down, "Alright..." 

King looked panicked, "a-alright, I'll walk home with you. Just done be sad" 

That bruised me. 

"you're The best King!" 

I could feel Elizabeth looking at me, Thankfully, The bell rang and saved me.

"You Okay?~" Ban asked Again, getting near me. I whispered, "No"


Hope you liked it! <3

Sorry if it was short, And its pretty wrong that i gave you a Sad Part on My Birthday xD

Happy Birthday to me~! :D :3

Welp, Bye~!

See yah on the next chap~! >:3

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