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asdfghjkl .-. :3


Hope you enjoy~


•Ban's Pov•

"Sir Ban, wake up!" A voice woke me up

"Im sleeping!" i said through my pillow

"Then get your ass up and wake up!"

"No way Max!" I yelled back to my butler, Max.


I guess he kicked my door open

"Morning" i looked at him

He dragged me to the bathroom and glared at me

"Get ready" he said leaving the room

I closed the door yawning, i took a bath and changed into my uniform,

I ate for a little while and went out, Max was waiting for me in the car

When i got in, he drove

"Will you stop making me wake you up everytime" he groaned

Then he stopped at school


As usual, no one was there yet, i went to our usual spot and waited for the others while i was using my headset

Then i spot girls coming towards me, i took one ear piece out

"B-ban-sama... will you please accept this?" a random girl handed me a gift

"Depends on what's in it" i shrugged and took it

She stared at me while i opened it.

It revealed a picture of me.... and her.

It was poorly photshopped

I politely gave it back

"Im sorry, but i wont take it.." i said slowly

She fainted and her friends dragged her inside.

Then, i see Melanie in sight.

Please dont tell me she's coming here.


Oh God she's here

"Where are your manners? Where did -sama go?" I joked

She glared at me

"What do you want" i said bluntly, Not really asking.

"You know what i want"

"You cant have Cap'n." i sighed

"Why the hell not!"

"Because you just cant and its gross."

"Cant i atleast see The Liones girl?" She said annoyed

"No~" i grinned

She glared at me again. She was about to speak when,

"Dont even try to talk" Cap'n came out of nowhere

She turned around "Meli!"

He just pushed her away

"Hi Baaaan!" He waved.

She pouted and stomped away

"What'd she do now?" He asked

"She wanted you... again"

"Creep" he made a disgusted face

I nodded agreeing

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