Acting Strange

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Mwahahahah :3 Hi.

Hope you Like it! xDD <3



•Meliodas' Pov•

I Went to school early and saw the rest of the Sins on the usual spot, Except Diane and Elizabeth.

Diane was walking in the campus and Elizabeth was slowly trailing behind her. I expected both to come towards us together But Elizabeth didint go to us, She went straight to school.

"What's Wrong with Elizabeth?" King asked Being confused as i was

I just stared at her, She looked different. She was using Long sleeves and stockings.

"Lets go" I ordered and we went to class.

"Elizabeth!" I called in the classroom, There were'nt that Much students.

She looked at me with a glimpse of fright in her eyes then she suddenly turned around

"Diane, Talk to her" I looked at Diane who nodded

•Diane's Pov•

"Hey Elizabeth" I smiled, She made a fake smile


"Stop making that fake smile, What happened?" I asked, Then i noticed that there were bandages on Her Cheek

"And what happened to your face? Did you get into a fight?" I asked

"no! Of course not!"

"good, So Whats Wrong?" I asked

"remember yesterday, when i talked about when someone was like staring at me?"She whispered


She looked at her arms which were covered in Long sleeves, I tilted my head

"N-Nothing.. I was about to say that it was just one of the fanboys" She said looking away

"Sure..." I said not believing her

When the bell Rang, We all sat down And Sir Helbram started teaching.

After that, it was lunch. I was about to grab Elizabeth when she sprinted out of the room

"Where is she going?" Captain asked

"She just ran out of the room" Merlin stated

"So She's not eating with us?~" Ban asked

"Im afraid so," Gowther stated

We went to the cafeteria and ate, We were all silent

"Something's up with Elizabeth and we have to know what" Captain sated and we all nodded

"What did she tell you?" He asked me

"The other day, She had a feeling like someone was watching her or something. But i told her that it might've just been a fanboy, Since she's getting more popular.Then Yesterday, she told me that She thinks its not a fanboy. But a while ago, She was about to tell me something until she looked at her arms and said that it really was a Fanboy. But she Lied about that, I could see it in her face." i explained

Everybody went silent

"We have to find a way to remove those sleeves" Captain said staring at the table

"Meli~" An annoying voice called, It was Melanie. She was stupid enough to go to us when we have a tense feeling in the table

No one looked at her or anything

"Um, Hello?" She said in a sassy voice

I could feel Ban's Glare towards her and made her go away

"We could try and use my powers and i could tell you why she acted that way" Gowther spoke up

Captain looked at him "Just dont hurt her alright?"


•Gowther's Pov•

I sensed where Elizabeth was and used invasion to read her mind. Just, to read her mind. When i reached her, Her thoughts were opened.

"Well Someone's feeling pretty" someone's voice that i couldnt comprehend because of her confused thoughts

Then i hear yells of Pain.

Then her thoughts were blocked. I couldnt go through. I stopped.

"so?" Captain asked

"Her thoughts were Blocked, Everything became black. She must've stopped thinking of what happened Or maybe she just forced herself to stop.. But, She was yelling in pain" I stated and captain looked at me

"Yelling in pain?" he asked

"Yes." i nodded

"The principal must know something about this" Merlin stated

"Let's go then" Captain stood up and we went to the Principal's Office

"What do you need?" The Principal asked

•Ban's Pov•

"What's wrong with Elizabeth?" Cap'n asked

"She's been acting strange too?" The principal asked

"What do you mean, Too?~" I asked

"She told me that she was going home first Yesterday, but then when i got home, She wasnt there yet. After half an hour, One maid saw her sneaking in her room" He explained

"Meliodas, I know this isnt the right time to ask this...."

"Yeah, We'll Find out what's wrong" Cap'n nodded

"Thank you" The principal thanked, then the bell rang

"Now go to your classes"

We went to class to find Elizabeth sitting there quietly, To be honest she looked lifeless

When the teacher came, We sat down.

Then, There was a boring ass lecture and Time went by and it was dismissal

•Meliodas' Pov•

Once the bell rang, The students left the room and Me and the other sins were behind the door waiting for Elizabeth.

Once she was out, She saw us and had a scared face and was about to sprint off again but i caught her arm tightly and she winced and her sleeves that could be removed were off.

I took a glimpse of her arm. 

What The Hell.

It was full of cuts and bruises. It wasnt Self Harm, I could know that.

It was done by someone.

I was Infuriated, Elizabeth looked at me with tears in her eyes. Probably hurt because of my grip. Or because of what i was about to say.



Ablahblahblah xD

Hope you enjoyed xD

Its obvious by now who did all that to Elizabeth xD


For the people who dont know, (Lol) ablublubluh~ xDD

nishishishi~ <3

See Ya On the Next Chap Ol' Champ! << xDD

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