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When there's a stop sign in sight
Do you ignore it and go past the red light?
When there's a thing to be said
Make sure you check it out first in your head
Make sure it's okay to say
And won't ruin someone else's day

Gossip is part of our language already
We just got to stop for a second and think steady
Is what we're saying okay?
Will it jepordize someone else's day?
Even if they don't hear what we said
It'll constantly go over in our head
We will constantly think of that person differently
When them with our eyes we do see

So, what am I saying here?
I'm saying that with your words you should watch and take care
No longer gossiping about the people around you who aren't mundane
Now, think before speaking, simple and plain
So, as I said before: please watch what you say
I don't think you want to actually ruin someone's day

Poetry In Emotion [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now