Angry goodbye

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I'm so angry with you
You've hurt me so, that true
Even if you don't see it
You've hurt me, bit by bit

You've taken my heart and stabbed it more than twice
Do you think that's nice?
You've basically killed me with your words
Don't you know that sometimes words hurt?

I'm so angry that you didn't even say sorry
I'm so angry that you didn't say it in a hurry
You've taken my heart and played with it
Even though, technically, you've actually taken away some, bit by bit

My heart's smaller because of you
In real life, my hearts the same, that's true
But, in my head, that's how I feel
Although, technically, it isn't real

I can still love, thank God
But, I'm still a bit off from that experience, and that isn't odd
It makes perfect sense to me
Because you've taken what you can't see

You've taken my trust
You've treated me like dust
Stepping on me all you wanted
And I let you, even though I knew better and that I was being taunted

You took my heart and you stepped on me
How much worse can this scenario be?
You ignored what I said when I told you I was hurt
You just pretended I was being curt

How could you treat me the way you did?
I was being abused, and I didn't even see it
How can you treat me like I'm something I'm not
Don't you know better than to take a gun and kill me with a shot?

Thank God I'm still alive
But I've lost my drive
You've taken so much from me
Even things I can't yet see

I do not feel the best when I think of you
I do not feel like you were true
Meaning, I don't think you realized that you're being mean
Or maybe you did and you just ignored my scream

Maybe this is the real you
Maybe you're abusive, but I hope that's not true
For your husband's and bab(ies) sake, I hope you treat them well
I hope you treat them more than just swell

So, even if it's so hard to let go of your words today
I will let them go, bit by bit, day by day
It's so hard to do
Because I'm angry at you

But I'll try my hardest to let go
Because, I don't think it's best to hold on to; actually, I know
It's so hard to do, but I'll try
Because, inside, I think I've cried enough over you, so Goodbye!

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