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People can say a word
And they can hurt
Once you've spent your word, you can never take it back
You can't eat it as if it's a snack

You've already used the word
You've already hurt
You can only repent by not doing it again
And using your brain

Think before you speak, as the saying goes
This'll help you throughout life, just so you know
Of course, my message may feel like it's not appetizing
But you gotta hear it, feel it, in order for it to truly ring
Truly ring with a lot of truth
So much so, that words will never hurt our youth

How is this possible? You may ask
Because you've put thought in your words before you spoke them; its an extremely hard, hard task
But practice makes perfect, as they say
Just try it for one day
You'll see the impression you've made on yourself when you watch your words
Although it might be hard, it'll get easier just like the first couple of days for a bird

At first, the bird has a hard time flying
And has a hard time with its wings
But, at some point, it learns to fly
And, at some point, it reaches the sky
All it takes is practice
And the bird you'll soon miss
Because the bird will fly by so fast
It'll be in the future while you're in the past
Okay, doesn't make any sense, I know
But my message is watch what you say because you might affect someone who wants to let go
They'll have a hard time doing that because words are like swords
Once you stab someone, you can never "abort"
So, please try to watch what you say
Please try to think before you speak today, okay?

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