One step

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Even though it seems like a mountain, and it looks hard to climb
Even though it seems like a mountain, I'll take one step at a time
It'll be so hard to take that step, but by putting one foot in front of the other, I'll do it
It'll be so hard to take that step, but by putting one foot in front of the other, I'll get through it

One step at a time
Although it seems like it won't work, one step at a time will do the trick and you'll climb
Higher and higher than before
You'll be reaching heights you've never been to and so much more
Just take one step at a time
Just take one step and soon you'll be on the top of the mountain you just climbed

Yes, one step is all it takes
One step and it, through this, you'll make
Although that step is hard to take, and you might not even know the steps name
Although that steps hard to take, it'll lead you to your own form of fame

Poetry In Emotion [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now