Leaves Fall

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It's that time of year again where leaves fall and change color
Becoming more pure
I hope and pray I change too
Do a different hue
No longer the person I am now
But someone better than this somehow

Even though I am a good person at this moment
I want to be much better, no longer the rules bend
I want to change into someone
Don't know who until my work here is done
Then, I'll know for sure that I changed completely for the better
Never broke something, did everything to the letter
Or tried to
It's hard turning into a different hue

Leaves fall and change hues
No longer the same green to choose
No longer the same as before
Becoming so much more
Even on the ground
They are still going around
Going where the wind blows them
Shining at night like a gem

Poetry In Emotion [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora