
18 1 0

When you walk outside, the breeze hits your face
You feel either hot or cold, and sometimes the breezes warm embrace
But when summer hits...
You feel like you're melting into tiny ice bits
No longer cold, or warm, but a hot breeze touches your face
Sometimes not even a breeze can you trace
You'll be glad once winter hits
But now we're talking about summer and shvitz

Summer does have its bright side
You get to go outside and no longer inside hide
You get to go to the beach
And hang out with friends you couldn't, during the year, reach
You get to experience summer at its best
Sometimes, at its worst too, but that's just one of life's tests

All in all, summer is good
In the neighborhood
Enjoy the summer breeze
Be it hot or warm or just a tease
Have a wonderful summer vacation
Don't forget to put on suntan lotion

Poetry In Emotion [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now