Handling packages:

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You'd like to walk a mile in my shoes?
Well, I'm sorry, you can't; you'll get a bruise.
The shoes I have on don't fit you,
And, I'm sorry to say, that fact is so true.
Are you sure you're ready for the pain
You're gonna surely obtain
By wearing my footwear?
Don't you, about your feet, care?
I wear a pair of crocks
Instead of shoes because shoes hurt my feet like rocks,
My pain, for you, might be hard to handle
Would you prefer if I wore a sandal?
God gives only what you can take
He doesn't give you a stake if you can't handle a stake
My shoes won't be better for you to wear than your own
Trust me if you do wear mine you'll moan and groan
Most likely my package isn't meant for you and doesn't accommodate your needs
God knows what's good for you to carry and learn from with or without speed
Be grateful for the package you have
Don't complain or be jealous of what someone else has
They can handle it
And God knows it won't your needs fit

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