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I hurt too
Maybe even easier then you
But I'm still me
I'm just "dressed" differently
I still have a heart
And that heart still feels apart
Apart from everyone
And it isn't as fun
As it might sound
I'm just not on the same ground
As everyone else here
And that's what people fear
People fear difference
Because they're not used to such situations
They like what they're used to
And there are only a few
Who are okay with change
At any range
But still the people who aren't so okay with it
Don't think we fit
Into this world like they do
Because we're not what they're used to
I'm human just like all the other people on this earth
Shouldn't that be what it's worth?
I mean, yes I am of a different culture
And not the same as her
Or him
but I'm still me just different

Poetry In Emotion [Completed]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant