Ball and chain

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I feel like I'm carrying around a ball and chain
Even though, I'm not
I feel like I'm carrying around my insanity, which is insane
Cuz I'm not carrying that around

My feet feel heavy from the ball and chain
It doesn't help that I feel insane
Carrying around an invisible thing
Nothing shows; not even my ring

I feel insane
Carrying around this ball and chain
But I carry it around, anyway
Even when I sit and play

I want it to go away
But it's easier said than done
I don't want it to stay
Cuz having it isn't at all fun

I don't have the key to open it up
If I did, I'll be out and free
I don't know who has the key
But I'd like to be freed

Poetry In Emotion [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now