Am I still me?

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No words can express
What I feel about life's mess
I mean, how can I say
What I feel today?

I used to be able to make poems easily
I still do,
Or try to,
Can you see?

I used to make these poems so beautifully
I wonder if I still can
Or is that ability, for me, forever banned?
Can I still write poems that express me?

I used to write poems with a flow
Now, it's a little more slow
I know that's not an issue
And I shouldn't make it into one, too
But, I feel like I don't know how to write like I did
What do I do about this; do i forget about it and put it under a lid?

Am I still the same writer I was before?
Am I still me plus more?
Am I just imagining things?
Am I still me with my writing ring?

I mean, do I still have the ability of expressing myself via poetry?
Or do I need lessons in that for me?

I'd also like to finish my story
But, no inspiration has hit me
What do I do to get that back
Because I'd like to finish my deck

(Although we haven't discussed cards here
I couldn't think of what made sense there
So I apologize for not really rhyming
Let's blame the timing)

Like I say
To this day
"I'm not sorry for being me, but I am sorry if being me, hurt you"

Poetry In Emotion [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now